"belting as high as they can"

May 23, 2008 01:49

1.  It is near the end of another week. Which means, TWO WEEKS UNTIL I LEAVE FOR LONDON. CANNOT. WAIT. ASJDLSJFDLASKLDA.

2. Work has been made of fail, and will be made of fail for the week(s) to come. Emphatically NOT looking forward to it. Sigh.

3. Honestly I have no idea how I'm supposed to be watching all the shows I have to see. But now I MUST see I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change - since it's closing in July and it's always come highly recommended to me by a friend who shares my theatre tastes (well, mostly, she doesn't like musical theatre quite as much as I do *ahem*).

4. My iPod continues to be the death of me. I've been importing artwork all night - and have decided to lay down a couple of ground rules. Artwork only for official albums and cast recordings, which I can just copy and paste from Amazon or something, artwork only for Julia, Alice & Emily, and Idina. THAT'S IT. NO MORE. I swear it. HONEST.

5. I've been listening to Jason Robert Brown all night in anticipation of tomorrow's concert. I really hope the singers do JRB's songs credit.

6. HAI. I LOVE YOU SHERIE RENE SCOTT. In that vein, I promised teh_maskmaid spammage of one of The Last Five Years, one of my favourite musicals ever - which I think I've spammed before, ha ha, but I'm spamming it AGAIN. Babbling and fangirly flail, plus Brian d'Arcy James' Christmas album, beneath the cut...

1. The Last Five Years (Cast Recording)

>> megaupload | sendspace <<
(link filched from bwayrecordings)
This is really just a fantastically smart, well-written show - with some of the best songs (tunes and lyrics) I've heard in ages. If this was all JRB had ever written, I'd have massive amounts of respect for him anyway. That his other work is awesome too? Sigh. TALENT. What do you do when you don't have any? Admire those who do. ;) Anyway, the show is just ingenious in the way it's written and fills in the heart and soul of two people as they fall in love and fall apart. What I love is how you have to think throughout this entire show/album, and try to figure out where and when things fit (and they do), and how things start to go wrong, and how they went right.
I'm totally spoiling you guys here, but you'll have to know this, more or less, to make sense of the album, so...
Spoilers ahead: L5Y is the story of one relationship told from two points of view - except that Jamie (sung by Norbert Leo Butz) starts the show from the point he meets and falls in love with Cathy (Sherie Rene Scott), while Cathy is at the end of their relationship, wondering how it all fell apart in five short years. So as he moves forward in time, first hopeful and deeply in love, then restless and consumed by his genius (he's a writer, see), she moves backward in time - from nursing a broken heart to losing her faith in him to the giddy, hopeful flush of first love. They meet just once, in the middle of the show, when they get married.
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2. The Last Five Years with Julia Murney & Jason Robert Brown

That's right, more iPod art! :D
>> download here <<
And yes. It means no end of joy to me that one of my favourite singers actually tackled this musical live, and that the audio of it is so amazing. Although I insist that I loved the show before I heard Julia in it (i.e., she did not bias me towards admiring its amazingness!), having her sing it? YEAH. LIFE IS GOOD. Anyway. She's totally sick here - she had a bad cold and you can tell (well, you can tell if you obsessively listen to her every day, I couldn't when I first listened to this). Her voice breaks something fierce in Summer in Ohio, but otherwise, she STILL belts like a dream. And shatters my heart with See, I'm Smiling, when she breaks her belt off and ends in something like a sob. Unbelievably awesome.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
3. From Christmas Eve to Christmas Morn - Brian d'Arcy James, for lfae! :)

>> download <<

HAI I LOVE BRIAN. His voice his voice his voice!! He's AMAZING in The Wild Party and I've loved him in everything else I've heard him in (not much at this point, but that's going to change!). And can you imagine, I'm all flaily before I've properly seen or listened to Next to Normal? I have been assured that this makes me a loser (I fully concur), but I will correct that soonest. At the very least on the plane to London, when I shall watch my N2N video and flail over him and Alice. (HIM AND ALICE, OH GOD.)

7. PLEASE LET THE JRB CONCERT TOMORROW NOT BE MADE OF FAIL. And hopefully the people who sing L5Y songs don't massacre them...

8. *sobs* I hadn't realised The Drowsy Chaperone was playing in London. HOW MANY SHOWS CAN I PHYSICALLY SEE IN THE SPACE OF A WEEK?!?!

broadway, artistic pretensions, nyc, lj - lfae, julia murney, brian d'arcy james, music, randomness, lj - teh_maskmaid, podperson

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