DORKAGE: House 4x05 Mirror, Mirror

Oct 31, 2007 22:41

Oh MAN, I am SO GLAD I took the half-day off from work today, which means I could grab the latest House episode much earlier than I normally would. It's not even 11pm and I'm all ready with caps for the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF SQUEE-AGE THAT WILL ENSUE. I swear, if you're a House/Cuddy shipper? There's just so so so MUCH in this episode to chew over and ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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ellixian November 1 2007, 17:02:49 UTC

Hee - I'm so glad we noticed all the same things. Because, seriously, this was an episode made of so so so much win for us. I swear, I spent most of the day wandering around with a dorky smile on my face thinking of House and his VICTORY DANCE. (Somehow, that always requires capitalisation. [g])

That's an interesting thing you point out about there being something different about House and Cuddy - you're right. I'm not sure what it is, either, and whether the writers are deliberately messing with us so they can do a big reveal, that they've been getting it on all this while. (I'd totally buy that, but would love to get to SEE them go at each other - again - for the first time!) But there's something different about the way they're interacting this season: like there's a lot more invested in the relationship, whether it's the personal or professional relationship. Does that make sense? Because there's just so much... more to the trust Cuddy exhibited in THE OR SCENE (also always needs caps) in 4x02, or the bitterness on her face in 4x03 at the very end after House electrocuted himself. It's them, but it's MORE them.

Gah, I don't know if I make sense. All I want to do is flail in their direction, because, hello, ADORABLE. I absolutely want bloopers from this scene! Those would be priceless! I bet LE cracked up a dozen times while Hugh was doing his schtick, hee.

I've already mentioned my fanwanking in the comment above, but wouldn't it be awesome if Cuddy had totally let House win at the end, with the POTW? As part of the 'stroking his ego' thing - I think that would be BRILLIANT. And quite plausible; I'm sure Cuddy could strike the fear of god in anyone if she set her mind to it. She was awfully cute and flirty starting out this scene to really be serious about dominating it and beating House!

Re drabble > glad you liked!! These two are just too inspiring to be believed. ;) They totally need to shut each other up this way. Heh.

Glad you liked the pic-spam, btw. I love sharing the H/C love, I do!!! ;)


crumpled_up November 2 2007, 07:59:38 UTC
VICTORY DANCE must always get all caps. It was just that awesome.

I'm torn between wanting them to have a hidden relationship and wanting to see the action first hand. There's just so much potential! Or if we could have both that'd be awesome. Like show how it started through flashback haha. ;)

As for what's different between House and Cuddy... it's hard to actually pinpoint where it started. Throughout the series, there has been a significant shift in their relationship in every season. The biggest shift was after the Tritter arc where the flirting was taken to a whole new level. And now in this season, there's even MORE (who thought THAT was possible? :P). But I see what you're saying. There is a lot more into their interactions and there's another underlying layer added on top. THE OR SCENE is an excellent example! My other favorite scene was in 3x02 Cane and Able where Cuddy goes into House's office to ask about the leg and he's totally deflecting by saying she's pregnant. For some odd reason, THAT scene always stuck with me. He was joking around but there was that same seriousness to it that was in THE OR SCENE.

THEY ARE LOVE. Adorable is just beginning to describe these two! My goodness.

I read on house_cuddy that Cuddy won the power struggle too. Yeah, the patient confirmed House... but Cuddy won because House's ego was stroked and the balance of power was restored. I think goddesspharo said that on the 4x05 thread. Cuddy got what she wanted in the end. So did House. I think they're about even. I had this crazy weird thought when I rewatched that scene (for the millionth time): When the POTW tells them to shut up, that seemed more like Cuddy than House because the POTW cuts House off just as he's about to finish his sexual comment about how hot Cuddy is for him. Yeah, I know, crazy, weird and illogical. But I LOVE your fanwanking (oh the possibilities!). I entertained the idea that Cuddy let House win for a bit. I'd love to see an alternate scene for that. ;) Or a continuation of THE VICTORY DANCE. SOMETHING had to happen between those two after the team left. :P

Spread the Huddy love! :D It'll take over the planet soon. I'm sure. ;)


ellixian November 2 2007, 18:37:47 UTC
VICTORY DANCE FTW. For serious - I can't get enough of this scene. Rewatching it probably means probably means that this section of my video will just wear itself out and explode in short order. BUT. VICTORY DANCE. *dies*

Oooh, a flashback episode to show how the H/C sexage started would ROCK. Heh. Actually, I'd just be happy to find out MORE about their backstory, dammit. There's so much mystery about their time in Michigan together, and the first (and I doubt only) time they did the nasty - I'd love to get more info on this even as they explore the relationship in real-time, on the show now.

I absolutely agree with you about the shift in their dynamic following the Tritter arc. Count me as one of those strange House fans who actually really enjoyed the Tritter arc - I know tons of people didn't, but I loved it as an exploration of how low he had sunk and was scarily willing to let himself sink after the ketamine treatment failed. And I thought the writers made his clawing his way back to his kind of wacky normalcy very real - and, of course, very Cuddy-oriented. I know the Cuddy-perjured-herself arc was dropped like a hot potato after one random reference in OD,OR, but seriously, House's reaction to her for the rest of S3 was proof that HE remembers it. It makes him realise, I think, that he's interested in life, after all, and people, and Cuddy specifically. Hence all the shippy flirty awesomeness we got as House started to pick up the pieces of himself and move on a little bit from the ketamine crash.

Errr, apologies for being all rambly and digressing. But their relationship has changed after that, and it did lead to THE OR SCENE in which we got to see just how MUCH Cuddy trusted House, and how much House understood that he needs a Cuddy to survive (and the fanwanker in me says, not just professionally but on a personal level too).

So yes. I COULD NOT LOVE THIS SHIP MORE. If that weren't already obvious.

I have to hang out at house_cuddy more - I would, but life is being a huge pile of suck at the moment, and it's about all I can handle churning out my own picspams and fangirling with a few people. But I DO love the insight from goddesspharo you mention. And the more I think about it, the more I totally think Cuddy let House win. She was awfully cute and flirty when announcing she was Dean of Medicine (go watch it again, as if you needed a reason to!), and not bringing the fearsome as she has done on other occasions.

Darn, now you're tempting me to write fic to make this version of events a possible reality!! Curses!!

I can't wait until we've colonised the entire planet. OUR SHIP IS THAT GOOD, YES INDEED IT IS. ;)


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