DORKAGE: House 4x05 Mirror, Mirror

Oct 31, 2007 22:41

Oh MAN, I am SO GLAD I took the half-day off from work today, which means I could grab the latest House episode much earlier than I normally would. It's not even 11pm and I'm all ready with caps for the IMMENSE AMOUNT OF SQUEE-AGE THAT WILL ENSUE. I swear, if you're a House/Cuddy shipper? There's just so so so MUCH in this episode to chew over and ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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jukebox_grad October 31 2007, 18:44:20 UTC
I didn't really buy that Wilson's the alpha in the H/W relationship, but I did love him taunting House. And I loved that Wilson read the journal article about patients mirroring alphas (and knowing House would know this).

I agree with you on the quickness of the guy's mirror syndrome. I hadn't really thought about it. It makes more sense to us, of course, because we've been watching these people for so many weeks. And maybe he could pick up on Wilson's self-righteousness (but would the guy even know who Cuddy IS at that point?), and the utter hotness that is H/C (and does a man have to mirror House to comment on Cuddy's breasts?), and I have no problem with him mirroring boring guy (he's seriously a snooze-fest; I was worried about House wanting to keep him, like a more severe Foreman resignation, part 2) But, yeah, there wasn't much to go on for the others.

Yeah, I wasn't looking forward to the 13-is-hot scene either. Although, it WAS just that she was hot. Sure, she's hot. He didn't seem too bothered by POTW pointing this out, so I choose not to take it for too much at this point.

I thought we actually got the kinder, gentler version of House (that we occasionally get) in this ep. Especially with his interaction with Foreman. House was actually holding himself back by not mentioning him getting fired by Mercy (and we know he knows). Foreman STILL annoyed me on multiple occasions, but it was down from previous episodes.

About PPTH Survivor -- at the rate they are going, no reveal about 13 will meet the suspense, so, yeah... bring on the axe-murderer porn star. On first viewing, when I saw House's reaction to Brennan quitting, I got all deep (much thanks to our back-and-forths, methinks) and was like, "Is he getting scared? He doesn't want to lose too many people. Doesn't want to let Brennan go like Foreman/Cameron." Because him WANTED Brennan to stick around just does not compute. The guy has no charisma, and doesn't seem to be offering much in the way of medical expertise. I was going to say, maybe if he traded cool stories, but then, remember TB Guy that House wasn't overly impressed by (and sure, mildly jealous of)?

Damn it, my comment was too long, so two parts once again... onto the Huddy.


ellixian November 1 2007, 16:28:00 UTC
I totally didn't buy the Wilson-as-alpha-male thing; in fact, I agree with House - that, in the context, with Wilson being all surgeony, POTW would naturally assume Wilson was in charge. I just liked the banter, because it was too cute with the laundry and the Defensive!House. I adore it when House gets defensive and flustered, don't ask me why. ;)

Heh, I like what you point out about the POTW - any red-blooded man (and apparently woman, now, since Cuddy is totally gay for herself [g]) would comment on her breasts! About the most interesting revelation, for me, was that PSG had a thing for CTB - I mean, really?? Fascinating, I suppose. Clearly PSG likes being emasculated by domineering women (he and Cuddy should get on great, then!), but how did POTW KNOW this?! Was PSG just sitting there pining away and hoping CTB would notice him and bitch-slap him?!

And we're totally agreed here, as usual, but let me state once more for the record: off with Brennan's head! Brennan spelt 'F-I-L-L-E-R', of course...

My only consolation is that the key reason for casting Olivia Wilde as 13 is clealry that she is, unquestionably, hot. (Age-wise, she looks even YOUNGER than Jennifer Morrison when House started. Soon House will be employing three-year-olds to do LPs!) Which means House would be blind not to think her hot. But I saw someone mention that POTW could totally have picked up on how (sexually) frustrated House was not because of 13, but because of Cuddy. Hey, more plausible to me, for sure. They've been flirting all over the hospital all week, after all. ;)

And YES! I agree about kinder, gentler House, which is a treat to see - after S3, when he seemed intent on being the biggest bastard he could be (which was fine by me, as I've said, I enjoyed the angstiness of the Tritter arc), but it's great to see him just being human again. He was completely jerking Foreman around, as usual, but it was great to see him throwing Foreman that bone about being willing to change after listening to the POTW.

I was totally thinking WTF!!!! when he tried to get Filler to stay - the only reason it worked in that context was because the writers let him get a diagnosis kindofrightbutactuallywrong, as all the diagnoses are until the last one, but this means it looks like House really respected him and wanted him to stay. Now we know how Filler got a reprieve; House wasn't planning to eliminate anyone! Good thing too, since they all really did kind of suck this week.

And now, on to the Huddy lovin'. XD


jukebox_grad November 1 2007, 20:06:31 UTC
Definitely on the same page about the Wilson/alpha thing. The exchange was fun, but House was most likely accurate in his reasoning. And I love defensive!House, too -- similar to how he was when Foreman wasn't playing along and was smiling; it was basically a, "well, you're stupid, so whatever!" But the, "You'd pick up my laundry" comment was funny because, hello... you'd PAY (and probably HAVE paid) for his, Wilson!

I absolutely need to make a "Cuddy's even gay for herself!" icon, if you don't mind me lifting your idea. Because I've seen lots of comments about the effect Lisa E. has on women's otherwise heterosexual inclinations. ;) And I said the same thing about PSG's interest in CTB, and how that might come into play if/when we see him with Cuddy. And if she swatted HIS hand away from the paper clips on her desk?

I wasn't sure if the POTW was mirroring Brennan, or me WATCHING Brennan's scene! ;)

I agree, OW does look even younger, and she's very pretty in the Uma Thurman way -- from some angles, from others, I find I'm kind of, "eh, really?" Oh, and I don't think the comment about being frustrated necessarily meant sexually frustrated -- more so that House is just frustrated he hasn't been able to crack 13 yet. Nothing bothers House more than not being able to get a read on someone (okay, save for anyone else getting a "read" on Cuddy).

House going on and on about just the right amount of miserable -- I don't know, he actually seemed pretty happy in this ep. And we can choose whatever reasons for his improved disposition that we may wish!

I don't think Brennan expressing his true passion to House will save him. I don't think his performance should even remotely save him, but now he's already pretty much said he's not where he wants to be and probably won't be giving it his all. I'm WAITING for him to go, so I certainly hope that's the next cast off.

Huddy, Huddy, Huddy....


ellixian November 2 2007, 18:04:28 UTC
Hi, your icon is made of win > Cuddy's profile always rocks, because, hello, PRETTY. Throwing in Wilson is an added bonus. Yes indeed.

You're so right about Wilson paying for House's laundry. I can't believe he hasn't already done so, since he keeps buying House's lunch and giving him $5,000 checks just because they're best buddies. ;)

OF COURSE I don't mind if you lift the idea and make "Even Cuddy's gay for Cuddy" icons! Make a ton and share them, why don't you - there's always room for lots of Cuddy love! ;) And seriously. LE has shown the ability to turn gay guys temporarily straight and straight girls briefly gay. Now THAT'S hotness. ;)

I really am so meh about Olivia Wilde right now - I agree with you, pretty in an Uma way, but so far nothing about her just grabs me, well, the way LE does. (Biased much?!) I really do hope they figure out how to make her character something other than the "mystery" House can't figure out. And, if anything, they should pair her and Cole together. Their flower-five was adorable in 4x04 and they high-fived again when they both stayed in 4x05! Heh.

And I realise I haven't said this yet, but I totally agree with you about House seeming remarkably happy, for him - not just this episode, but this season so far. I think, in a way, he's thriving from the entire Survivor experience. It almost seems to be giving him a high to be figuring out all these new people and pitting them against each other. It's quite in line with the House we left at the end of Season 3, IMO - a House who had gone through so much crap, hit rock bottom and travelled back from hell, and decided there was something to life still. In our fanwanky worlds, Cuddy is obviously that something.

BTW, rather than waste time talking about Filler!Brennan, I was in HMV today and found a copy of Nebraska. Seeing as I've totally got Magic on repeat at work, I had to get MORE Bruce. And remembering your rec from one of our myriad other posts, I bought it. Have since listened to it once and am LOVING it. I think I'm in huuuuuuge trouble here. [g]


jukebox_grad November 3 2007, 19:30:52 UTC
I like the idea of Cuddy and Wilson as House's collective conscience, lol.

Cuddy's Gay for Cuddy icons are forthcoming! Once I, ya know, cap the damn episode, for starters.

There was a little thing in Entertainment Weekly this week, about House's candidates and who's the most likely to stay or go. But they mentioned 13 doesn't even have a name... now I know they've mentioned it in passing, but if House was THAT interested in finding out, he'd be able to figure out which file was hers. She is so not in LE's league... none of the younger actors are! 13 and Cole are indeed very cute -- even House commented on the "love connection." Do I need to say AGAIN-- WRITERS, please DO NOT try to make anything between House and 13. I will come after you.

House is going to like this whole "change" thing, no? It does seem to give him plenty of opportunities to keep up his usual tricks and antics. It's fun to watch, provided we eventually get to some deeper character exploration. And House/Cuddy would be a nice change from the, "House is a druggie and pushes the boundaries in every relationship he is in." And it'd be different enough from the Stacy arc, I think, because it seemed like House was really trying to get to Stacy because he could. A mission. And maybe a tad mean-spirited, if he knew he couldn't really maintain a relationship with her.

My words aren't quite flowing as nicely today as they have before. These comments may be shorter. Although no promises. ;)

There's just this look that House gets when he's sparring with Cuddy, that I think is unlike how he is with others. Hot, hot, hot, it is.

Yay for Nebraska! I have to recommend Born to Run, for sure, because there's really not a bad song on it (well, honestly, "Meeting Across the River" has never really grabbed me, though a lot of Bruce fans love it, and certainly its place on BTR -- the song it follows -- is really great). Uh oh, what'll happen if we end up fangirling over BRUCE, as well? ;) I have been listening to the bootleg of one concert I went to in 2003, which was just amazing, and thinking, "Oh, I really need to include some live recordings... but maybe that's Bruce 102." But if you want some seering guitar work, check this video out. I'm not quite sure if anyone other than Bruce could pull off a performance of a 10 minute song, with several instrumental solos, on a late night network TV show. And make it WORK!


ellixian November 5 2007, 16:39:44 UTC
Gah, I swear, the new episode couldn't come quickly enough for my liking. You've seen the awesome new promo with House and Cuddy bantering for a split second, yes? For it is made of SO MUCH WIN. As is Cuddy. Obvious point, but I never tire of making it, over and over again. Evidently. ;)

Urgh, I saw from your LJ post that you've been insanely busy. :( Hope you manage to get to the caps and icon-ing soon, as we know that's what's really important in life and not all this, you know, work/life crap. Heh.

I think someone freezeframed Chase's betting sheet from the last episode, and her name is something incredibly strange. (Do you do spoilers? Or I'd put it down here.) Suffice it to say, House/Thirteen shippers will get a thrill from the alliterative sound of it all. *rolls eyes* There are some of the newbies I like more than others - Cole I really like, and I still mourn Bosley - but the idea of House/13 is bugging me much right now. Get her with single dad Cole! That'd be cute! ;)

The character exploration I'm hoping will come later in the season; I don't think they'll be able to put it into the show and do it justice while he's still playing reality tv with the new ducklings. To wit, the whole electrocuting himself thing - we don't get ANY follow-up on that, hello!? Dude almost died!

See, H/C would be an awesome change because it would be so complex and adult. That's the thing I've never been able to fathom about the H/Cam ship - her crush on him is so high-school, and what he feels for Cameron, IMO, is lust. Jennifer Morrison IS hot after all. And sure, there's lots and lots of lust for Cuddy (because, hello, LISA EDELSTEIN = SEX) but the two of them connect in a way I just don't see happening between House and Cameron. And we're getting hints of that this season too, fortunately. Now we just need them to really get into a proper angsty, sexful, schtupp-filled relationship! Agree that House has a look when he spars with Cuddy that's different from what he gets from anyone else - it's right there, at the end of the promo I linked above. After her zinger to him, he just smiles, and I think it's because, even though he knows her so well, she still manages to surprise him, and this always surprises him. 'He enjoys her, and she enjoys him!' I say, shamelessly quoting David Shore.

Thanks for the Bruce video link! Will check it out when life is less crappy. I'm still ridiculously addicted to Magic - literally listened to it on repeat today and it got me through a truly heinous day at work. I saw the special edition of Born To Run at HMV the other day, so I think I'm gonna head back down there soonest and buy that too. Yay! I LOVE discovering new music. I'm in such a rock phase now, but the rock of Dylan and Springsteen and Knopfler, and that makes me ridiculously happy. :)


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