I was tagged by
lfae! This is SUCH a fab meme and so fun to do - I've tagged people, but ALL of you should give it a go. ;)
Create an image of nine things you currently really like, explain the things, and tag six others so they can share some inspiration and positive vibes too. - ETA: I cheated and made it nine things I REALLY love, not just currently... or I'd have a rather different meme result, like Julia Murney, Idina Menzel, Julia Murney, Wicked, Julia Murney etc...!! ;)
Top row:
1. Movies: In more ways than I could probably express, my lifeblood. I didn't watch all that many movies for the longest time - until I discovered that they were a great way to make friends in the UK when I was in university. (I don't drink, and that's pretty much an impediment to social discourse of any sort...) And because of that, I realised what a huge, huge world of stories and lives and ideas were out there, just waiting to be discovered. Escapism, sure, but I couldn't imagine anything I'd rather escape to more.
2. The X-Files: I've been a fangirl all my life (writing fanfic for, of all things, the Chalet School when I was ten or something!), but this was my first proper fandom. The fabulousness that is Gillian Anderson hooked me, Mulder and Scully became my drug of choice, and I met friends I have to this day and discovered what could REALLY be done through the internet. (Get your mind out of the gutter, lol!)
3. Emil Chau: My favourite singer of all time. This may will sound cheesy, but there's something about his voice that soothes my soul. His music has been a friend and support to me for far longer than many of my RL friends - twelve years and counting!
Middle row:
1. Reading: Ah, books books books. Before I discovered new worlds through the medium of film and television, I discovered them first through reading. I used to tote books everywhere I went, because they were always far more fun to turn to than, you know, actually talking to people. :p I've not been able to read all year, because of work of fail, but hope to get started again soon if work manages to slow up a little.
2. Musical theatre - best encapsulated, of course, by New York City/Times Square. ♥ I've loved musicals for as long as I remember, a gift from my mom who loved them just as much. Live theatre has just always been something I've enjoyed and loved. I'm glad that, having seen Wicked last year, I've allowed this long-abiding love to just really find its feet and become a proper passion. Because there's so much out there - a plethora of fantastic writers, singers, and shows I can't wait to discover. Especially when I finally get to NYC later this year! :)
3. Katharine Hepburn and classic films - there are no words for Kate the Great and the impact she has had on my life. Personally, my love and admiration for her got me through some tough times in my life, and falling for her also opened my eyes to the wonder of classic films and the Golden Age. But what I really love? Because of her and the wonder of Fanforum, I also met some of my best friends today -
starhud5 and
nut_meggers. And what could be better than that? :)
Bottom row:
1. Julia Murney - if you guys STILL don't know who this is by now, clearly my epic EPIC flailing in recent weeks has been of no use whatsoever. ;) My musical crack du jour, Julia is just... fantastic. I love her voice, her dorkiness, her humour and intelligence and integrity and her passion for what she does and the theatre. I only wish she had half the level of fame she deserves - but, fittingly, I don't think that's high on Julia's list of priorities at all, which is, ironically, kind of perfect.
2. House: Since TXF ended, I had TV shows I loved - The West Wing, Gilmore Girls, Frasier, all of these and more. But the one that returned me to fandom, proper hardcore flaily fandom, was House. Not even for my ship (House/Cuddy, DUH x A MILLION), but for what it is - a smart, ridiculously well-written show that has given the world an opportunity to see what a frickin' talented actor Hugh Laurie is. That he and Lisa Edelstein have chemistry so combustible it explodes through the screen? A+ BONUS.
3. My computer: dude, self-explanatory, no? I'd be surgically grafted to this baby if at all humanly possible! It gives me access to a world of awesome fangirly crack, and to
all you guys. What more could a gal ask for?
Now THAT was fun.
I tag
weazel_luv and
Just to annoy you guys for singling you out. But I think EVERYONE should do it, because it's so much fun!! ♥
Okay, you know what? I AM ABOUT TO EMBARK ON BRAND NEW FLAIL. I ADORE Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley!! Yes, I finally - finally - decided to give my Julia MP3s a break and listen to the stuff the wonderful
lanafromoz uploaded for me. GAH. WHY DID I WAIT SO LONG. They have such fabulous, FABULOUS voices. I NEED A TIME MACHINE SO I CAN GO BACK IN TIME AND WATCH THEM IN SIDESHOW. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Seriously though - thank you, Lana! This is awesome awesome AWESOME musical crack. Of the FIRST MAGNITUDE. ♥