dorkage: House 4x02 The Right Stuff

Oct 05, 2007 00:06

As per normal, plenty of squeeing and general dorking out to follow. Not to mention a House/Cuddy photo story, because, dude. I think I found another new favourite scene - even though House and Cuddy rock too hard for words in every scene they share.

Onwards to the awesomeness of 4x02. I'm so loving this season!!!

- Oh GAH. I didn't think I could ( Read more... )

house/cuddy, house s4, housedorkage

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burn_so_pretty October 4 2007, 19:04:59 UTC
I can't comment on much because I haven't seen the ep. But I just have to agree with you on Cameron, I haven't even seen the scene in question and I just know you're right. She is such a smug, annoying BITCH. If we could lose her and Foreman and just have the House/Cuddy/Wilson/Chase show it would be the best. I freely admit I am also biased towards Chase because he is pretty, but he is also the only one of the Ducklings I ever really liked. I wouldn't care if the other two never came back. Oh, I AM evil.

GAH. I love the OR room scene and I haven't even seen it. Such a perfect display of the trust and respect and mutual understanding they share. They know each other better than anyone else does, and that's why they get under each other's skin so well. They'd be such a powerful couple with so much angst and hotness too. We are going to get Teh Schtup this season, I can just feel it. David Shore won't let us down. Oh, it's going to be amazing to watch!



ellixian October 4 2007, 23:45:22 UTC
Awww, you read everything and spoiled yourself?? You so didn't need to do that, hon. But I suspect the two of us have a LOT in common when it comes to watching House. Not just the insane House/Cuddy adoration, of course (that goes without saying, hee). But the rest of it too - like the Cameron hatred. I really DID start liking her, kind of, towards the end of Season 3. No coincidence there that it was when she was hooking up with Chase, though even in the beginning she was so annoying about that and almost broke the poor guy's heart. But seeing her back in 4x02? Made me want to stab her newly blonde self in the eye. There is no chemistry there. I don't understand how the House/Cam people can just keep deluding themselves that there IS something going down when there isn't ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 5 2007, 00:15:42 UTC
Awww, you read everything and spoiled yourself?? You so didn't need to do that, hon.

Oh I don't care about being spoiled for eps that have already aired in the States LOL. Hanging around the boards, I'm going to get spoiled anyway. Besides, right now I'm so obsessed that the idea of not knowing what's going on is intolerable. I need my fix somehow till the new eps show here!

Not just the insane House/Cuddy adoration, of course (that goes without saying, hee). But the rest of it too - like the Cameron hatred. I really DID start liking her, kind of, towards the end of Season 3. No coincidence there that it was when she was hooking up with Chase, though even in the beginning she was so annoying about that and almost broke the poor guy's heart. But seeing her back in 4x02? Made me want to stab her newly blonde self in the eye.Basically I've never been a Cameron fan. I just never warmed to her at all like I did to some extent with the others. From the get go I found her to be smug, pretentious and just dowright annoying. I can't ( ... )


ellixian October 5 2007, 16:37:31 UTC
I love how we're carrying on multiple conversations across multiple LJ and FF accounts. We rule the universe!!!!

Hanging around the boards, I'm going to get spoiled anyway. Besides, right now I'm so obsessed that the idea of not knowing what's going on is intolerable.
I don't know how you do it! I would cry, seriously, and would probably stay away from real-time fangirling if I couldn't download the episodes. Seriously, at some point, you have to let me figure out a way to get you episodes. Either that or I'll cap the Huddy scenes to death and make photo stories every week. As much for my own benefit as yours. ;)

She was a cold hearted bitch and Chase could do so much better. I don't know why he's so besotted in the first place to be honest. Actually that's kind of true - she really did treat him quite terribly when he was just a fuckbuddy for her. But I do like how Chase wooed her and won her heart. I guess it's just how cute Chase was - Jesse Spencer's incredible blondeness won me over, I suppose. Deceived me into thinking that, ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 5 2007, 17:18:18 UTC
I love how we're carrying on multiple conversations across multiple LJ and FF accounts. We rule the universe!!!!

Bwahaha! Yes, we are made of awesome. :D One day we will rule the world. Teehee.

I don't know how you do it! I would cry, seriously, and would probably stay away from real-time fangirling if I couldn't download the episodes. Seriously, at some point, you have to let me figure out a way to get you episodes. Either that or I'll cap the Huddy scenes to death and make photo stories every week. As much for my own benefit as yours. ;)

Amazing willpower? LOL. Or maybe not. The idea of taking you up on the episodes offer is SO tempting, but I'm dtermined to wait till they air here, that way I'll enjoy and savour them so much more. Definetly not objecting to a bunch of screencaps and photo stories though! ;)

Deceived me into thinking that, heaven forbid, I might like Cameron after all!!

We can't have that now! LOL. Cameron is there to bitch about and hate with a fiery passion etc. *points to icon*

Luckily for me, I've ( ... )


ellixian October 5 2007, 18:38:08 UTC
One day we will rule the world. Teehee.

We already do, in all the ways that count! Because H/C is canon, and soon EVERYONE will see the light and realise the error of their ways!!! ;)

The idea of taking you up on the episodes offer is SO tempting, but I'm dtermined to wait till they air here, that way I'll enjoy and savour them so much more. Definetly not objecting to a bunch of screencaps and photo stories though! ;)

Man, you really do have iron/steel will. I'm definitely happy to oblige with photo stories and screencaps and squeeage of H/C scenes in upcoming episodes. I'll go NUTS over those if it'll help you get through the weeks until you can see them yourself. ;)

Cameron is there to bitch about and hate with a fiery passion etc. *points to icon**worships your icon* I LOVE IT whenever someone uses that icon. Hee. It is made of TRUTH. I can see you'll be totally bad for me in my attempt to remain objective about all the characters. Tough, since I have a natural tendency to hate Cameron, and after S3 really feel quite the same ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 5 2007, 22:56:31 UTC
We already do, in all the ways that count! Because H/C is canon, and soon EVERYONE will see the light and realise the error of their ways!!! ;)

Yes, everyone should bow down the the greatest Huddy shippers of ever and beg forgiveness for being so damn blind LOL. Ah well, soon they will be enlightened and they'll all be crying while we have one huge ass celebration party. :D

I'm definitely happy to oblige with photo stories and screencaps and squeeage of H/C scenes in upcoming episodes. I'll go NUTS over those if it'll help you get through the weeks until you can see them yourself. ;)

Wheee, glad to hear that. :D Pic spams and photo stories and general rambling will stop me from going completely and utterly insane LOL. Can't promise I'll stick to my word when we finally get Teh Schtup Of Awesome though!

*worships your icon* I LOVE IT whenever someone uses that icon. Hee. It is made of TRUTH. I can see you'll be totally bad for me in my attempt to remain objective about all the characters. Tough, since I have a natural tendency ( ... )


ellixian October 6 2007, 03:47:27 UTC
Ah well, soon they will be enlightened and they'll all be crying while we have one huge ass celebration party.
We should have an Internet-wide House/Cuddy convention. A massive party celebrating the confirmation of our ship, or something. Heh. ;)

Pic spams and photo stories and general rambling will stop me from going completely and utterly insane LOL. Can't promise I'll stick to my word when we finally get Teh Schtup Of Awesome though!
Man, when we get the Schtup, you might just have to download the damn ep because how could you RESIST that!!! Posting the pics just won't be the same. Probably I wouldn't have time to do that anyway, since I'd be too busy rewatching the scene for the 4920534th time... ;)

"I am done enabling you" LOL. Except she isn't, ha. And neither I am with you, I'll make hating Cameron so easy. *g*"I hate myself". LOL, I love that scene, how quickly she goes from being in-your-face to OMG-I-have-to-tell-him-dammit. SO FRIGGIN' ADORABLE, these two. And I don't think you need to do much to push me over the edge ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 6 2007, 23:12:02 UTC
We should have an Internet-wide House/Cuddy convention. A massive party celebrating the confirmation of our ship, or something. Heh. ;)

We should. :D Us H/Hr shippers in the HP fandom planned to have the biggest and most rocking party ever if our ship became canon, it was gonna be awesome. Well we never got to have that party, so I'm looking to make up for it big time. :D The internet will explode when we get our big "canon bitches" moment!

Man, when we get the Schtup, you might just have to download the damn ep because how could you RESIST that!!! Posting the pics just won't be the same. Probably I wouldn't have time to do that anyway, since I'd be too busy rewatching the scene for the 4920534th time... ;)

I am seriously worried about how many times I will watch and re-watch our big scene LOL. I think I'll need an operation to tear me away from the computer! I haven't been this obsessed and hyped about a ship for ages, so I'm gonna go nuts, and then some. It will be blurred in to my brain!

And I don't think you need to do ( ... )


ellixian October 7 2007, 04:10:02 UTC
Well we never got to have that party, so I'm looking to make up for it big time. :D The internet will explode when we get our big "canon bitches" moment!

Maybe we should plan one over on the FF boards. ;) Certainly we need to come up with ideas on how to celebrate the momentous occasion when our ship becomes canon... er. Canon-ER, because it's already canon. Hee.

I think I'll need an operation to tear me away from the computer! I haven't been this obsessed and hyped about a ship for ages, so I'm gonna go nuts, and then some. It will be blurred in to my brain!

Surely you mean burned into your brain?? ;) Because I really don't think I'll be able to think of anything else for weeks. I just am so curious to know how Shore and the other writers are thinking of hooking them up. (And still really worried that, despite everything they've been saying, it might not happen. GAH! NO WAY! But that's the pessimist in me speaking. Sigh.) Will it be angsty? Sweet? Painful? Desperate? All of the above, probably, since our ship is so complex and ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 7 2007, 15:43:51 UTC
Maybe we should plan one over on the FF boards. ;) Certainly we need to come up with ideas on how to celebrate the momentous occasion when our ship becomes canon... er. Canon-ER, because it's already canon. Hee.

Oh we should definetly plan. :D Although I suspect coherent plans may go right out the window in favour of total chaos and much screaming LOL. Because really, the best parties are ones you don't plan! And canon-ER is now my new favourite word. *g*

Surely you mean burned into your brain?? ;) Because I really don't think I'll be able to think of anything else for weeks.

Yes I did actually, heh. It was gone 2am when i typed that last night and my brain was feeling rather blurry, hence the typo LOL. I suspect burned will turn out to be very literally accurate. *smirkage*

I just am so curious to know how Shore and the other writers are thinking of hooking them up. (And still really worried that, despite everything they've been saying, it might not happen. GAH! NO WAY! But that's the pessimist in me speaking. Sigh.) Will ( ... )


ellixian October 7 2007, 17:29:17 UTC
Because really, the best parties are ones you don't plan! And canon-ER is now my new favourite word.
Yeah, okay, we'll let the squeeing and going-completely-off-our-heads be part of its own organic process. Heh. ;)
And canon-er is so a word we have to introduce to everyone on FF. It's not a matter of canon, it's a matter of canon-ER. ;)

I suspect burned will turn out to be very literally accurate. *smirkage*
Because they'll explode right off the screen with all that flame-y chemistry? Yes indeed!! Hee.

My last gut feeling was that the Scotland football team would beat France in Paris despite it seeming impossible, and we did LOL. When I'm this positive, it always works out. Viva la Huddy in season 4, trust me!
Oh good, I'm glad your gut is so positive. This makes me feel much better and much reassured. ;)

Hey, at least you'd be carted off to the nuthouse with a smile on your face. I couldn't think of a better way to go, actually!! As long as they allowed me to bring my computer with me to the madhouse so I can watch THAT SCENE ( ... )


burn_so_pretty October 7 2007, 22:20:40 UTC
Yeah, okay, we'll let the squeeing and going-completely-off-our-heads be part of its own organic process. Heh. ;)
And canon-er is so a word we have to introduce to everyone on FF. It's not a matter of canon, it's a matter of canon-ER. ;)

Yeah, best to let the squealing go unplanned LOL. After all, deliriously happy shippers can be notoriously unpredictable. ;)

We should so bust out that word on FF, we need to get everyone using it. :D

Because they'll explode right off the screen with all that flame-y chemistry? Yes indeed!! Hee.

Yup. :D It's gonna be explosive and then some, the scene should come with a hotness warning!

Oh good, I'm glad your gut is so positive. This makes me feel much better and much reassured. ;)

I can't recall a deep down gut feeling I've had that's been wrong, so you're right to be confident. :D

As long as they allowed me to bring my computer with me to the madhouse so I can watch THAT SCENE WHEN IT HAPPENS over and over again until all the nurses attending to me either become shippers or go mad ( ... )


ellixian October 8 2007, 13:55:03 UTC
Darn LJ ate my reply. Grrr!

Was just going to say:

It's gonna be explosive and then some, the scene should come with a hotness warning!
Yes!! Like how some of the more graphic House episodes come with violence or whatever disclaimers. For the Episode of the Schtup, it should say right upfront, "Parents, be warned. Your young children may want to avert their eyes as the chemical hotness that is Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein interact, combust and explode in a nuclear reaction. Much kissage ahead."


I'm relying on your gut here, hon. It's gonna get me through the season. ;)


burn_so_pretty October 9 2007, 16:39:46 UTC
LJ was being rather odd with me the other night too..

For the Episode of the Schtup, it should say right upfront, "Parents, be warned. Your young children may want to avert their eyes as the chemical hotness that is Hugh Laurie and Lisa Edelstein interact, combust and explode in a nuclear reaction. Much kissage ahead."

*rolls about laughing*

Oh God yes, that would be so appropriate. They really should put it in. :P We're mature (haha) adults and it might kill us, so kids would never be able to handle it! LOL.

I'm relying on your gut here, hon. It's gonna get me through the season. ;)

Oh the pressure LOL. Not to worry though, I KNOW I'll be proved right. :D


phineas_gatsby November 8 2007, 16:18:27 UTC
walking in heels is easier than you'd think :) i've only been wearing them (by which i mean ridiculous heels, of the four-inch-stiletto kind) for about seven months, and i can not only walk in them (both sober and drunk) but drive (manual!) in them and run to cross the street before the light changes. and i'm not short! trust me, it is a totally manageable skill, especially if part of your job is to look fashionable and pretty.


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