Feb 10, 2008 04:53

1. It's 5am, OMG. I told myself I was going to bed early. EARLY, dammit. (By which I usually mean 2am, but whatever.)

2. The meds are working, sort of. I can confirm this because, when I take them, I am considerably healed. I don't cough as much or as spectacularly - phlegm is kept to a bare minimum - and because three (count 'em, three) of my meds ( Read more... )

rl ftl, flist-love, randomness, bookdorking, chalet school

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lfae February 14 2008, 11:01:40 UTC
In ONE of my CS books, I ticked off the ones I have read...I need to find that book and count them up! There's so many that I tend to forget with just names though, I need the covers.

I'm game if you are re: Bride ;) Heh, I'm sure I'll find it somewhere? I'm amazed at what some of them fetch on ebay. A few years ago, I found a bunch in a library sale and sold most of them when I saw what they fetched. Stuff like Two Sams and Redheads. I'm a bit sad now that I'll probably never get to read them again...but at least I have once, and I got a pretty penny for them ;)

I just need to read them again to remember who I like! *weeps* for some reason the name Vi Lucy keeps coming to me. One thing...they're SO scathing towards girls who aren't perfect! Same with Malory Towers - but if you suck at a sport or you don't pick up a new language in two days, you're a dunce. Sigh. And if you DARE be homesick...whoa ;)

Hee, when Alex and I got together last November we spent about 3 hours discussing Enid Blyton :) Naughtiest Girl was the first one I read! My book had this wonderful illustration of Elizabeth pinning the stockings to her governess's dress. WINNER.


ellixian February 14 2008, 16:55:26 UTC
Yeah, aside from the ones I reread like crazy in my childhood, some of the newer books that I'm reading only now tend to fade into each other. There are just so many to keep up with!

I'm totally game to help you out with Bride! Actually, my sister is going back to Brisbane tomorrow; I'll see if she can help me post it to you from there? That'd be cheaper and quicker, for certain. PM me your address? I'm not sure if you'll find Bride, actually. It was one of the rarest, and even the GGBP run is already sold out, I think. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HAD TWO SAMS AND REDHEADS AND SOLD THOSE ONES, OMG. THEY MUST HAVE BEEN WORTH A CRAZY AMOUNT OF MONEY, BECAUSE THEY'RE SO RARE. Wow.

Vi Lucy is great - always a favourite. And you SO need to get in on the CS forums and get snarking about them. It's hilarious. There was a period of time in 2005 when I frequented the CBB boards (password - joey, bettany), and the discussions are hilarious. It's so much fun to poke fun at this series we love and its cliches and what we fondly call EBD-isms: exactly what you mention, of course, that if you can't speak a new language in two days, you're an idiot etc. FUN.

I LOVE THAT ILLUSTRATION, I THINK I KNOW WHICH ONE YOU MEAN. OMG. I'm so glad we share this book love thing, lol. ;)


i_smell_apples February 4 2011, 12:00:04 UTC
OMG so I found this comment in my gmail when I was going through my books tag! ;) And finally, three years later, I've buckled down and sorted out which Chalets I've read and not and, having just found two more on Amazon, I only have ONE left to find! The Chalet School Does it Again. *grins* Don't suppose you have that one floating around either that I could borrow and read? xD


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