I had crabs.

Nov 11, 2009 01:55

1. Enormously quick drive-by post to say - no, I'm not dead; yes, my life has been mostly boring (honestly, it's just been work, stoning at home, catching up on emails/comments and planning for NYC). I was GOING to go to bed when LJ conked out a while ago, but I hit refresh one more time and its back, so...

2. Went out for a MASSIVE Japanese dinner with friends - turns out I might be somewhat allergic to crabs, who knew. Basically, we were celebrating a friend's birthday, so went for a nice blowout meal. Which involved, honeatly, more king crab than I've ever had in one sitting. It came as tempura, steamed, to be cooked in gorgeously sweet Japanese soup... usually I have one pincer and give up because I'm lazy. This time I ate everything and now I itch everywhere. *weeps* It was worse right after the meal, when the crab was working its way through my system, but I'm itching even now. Auuugh.

3. I WANT. OMG Meryl and Alec, why am I not in the US on Christmas Day?? This movie is probably going to be released in my stupid country in, like, May or something horrible like that. :(

4. Speaking of movies, I did watch a couple over the weekend: Capitalism: A Love Story & Humpday over the weekend, both okay - I liked the former alright despite its sledgehammer moralising, but then again I'm growing up in a more-or-less socialist system, so I must be biased... The latter was promising but grated on my nerves after a while - really was that much bellyaching required to decide whether two straight guys should get it on for a porn video?? Too much verite for my cinema, methinks.

5. My mourning for Wonderettes continues apace... not that the show's even closed yet, and I'm going to see it again before it does, but whatever. I have done very little today except listen to various audios on a loop. Did y'all know that, aside from belting awesome, Ms Victoria McSassy Matlock is also incredibly talented at arts, crafts and painting? I'm not sure how one person can be THAT much artistic rolled into one, but she is <-- her new blog, featuring her little sewing obsession, her paintings, and on the sidebar, her Etsy store with her custom-made jewellery. INSANITY.

6. I understand from my flist that something MASSIVE went down with this week's House - certainly there is capslock spam everywhere the likes of which I haven't seen in many a month. My download is done, but I really need to go to bed and sleep off this itchiness... I shall watch and flail tomorrow!

7. ITCHY ITCHY. Bedtime...

randomness, housespam, marvellous wonderettes, om nom nom nom, meryl streep, movies

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