Project 365 Week 51

Dec 30, 2014 18:21

Day 353 | Dec 19, Fri - This is me, super sick of my long unmanageable mane...

Day 354 | Dec 20, Sat - To celebrate the Winter Solstice, I attended a labyrinth for the first time. I walked it twice, in silent meditation. It was an incredible experience, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat! I intentionally took this pic this way, in hopes of representing the season turning from darkness toward light...

Day 355 | Dec 21, Sun - Perfect activity for the darkest day of the year - watching movies in the dark!

Day 356 | Dec 22, Mon - My friend, Tina, and I wanted to celebrate the Solstice by watching the sunrise. Too bad it rose at 8am!!!! Oh Washington, you crazy state! We got up at 6am and had coffee together. We both had to leave around 7:50, and I saw this sunrise on the way back home. At 8am. Insane. And gorgeous!

Day 357 | Dec 23, Tues - After! Finally got my hair cut! I loooove it!! It's so good to be back to having short hair again, and love what my new hair stylist did here! She rocks!!

Day 358 | Dec 24, Wed - Christmas eve! Homer is giving out doses of Christmas Cheer!

Sarah, continuing a family tradition of hers called Potica. 0_o I am in awe of her!

Happy friends!

Day 359 | Dec 25, Thurs - Ho ho ho! Merrrrry Christmas!

Homer and I smiling in front of the tree!

My sweet family! Not pictured: my sweet hubby who hurt his foot so wasn't there for Christmas dinner at mom's, and we neglected to remember to take a family pic with all together at home! Must remedy this soon!!

As always, thanks for stopping by! Hope you all had a great week!

= = = = = = =

Join us in taking a photo a day for the entire year! Visit the gracious hosts of this project if you like: Mindi from Simply Stavish, Sarah from Nurse Loves Farmer, and Stephanie from Behind the Camera and Dreaming.

Start any time, and link up every Friday:


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