My ep5 of UtaOnii is downloading and in theory my Imperial Presence DVD should be delivered any minute... Please please please deliver it before I have to go to Friendship Day. Please!
2.2. is my fangirl class and they're mostly adorable. Yesterday was our interview test, and they did reasonably well. Afterwards they are all supposed to study, but usually, this doesn't happen. I walked over to the fangirl table and asked how they were doing. They tried to tell me something I still don't understand but it might have been the lyrics to an Aoyama Thelma song... I don't know.
Then Izumi (fanclub president) turns to me and says, "Do you know Yamamoto Yuusuke?" I laugh automatically, and she begins proclaiming him, "Bery Bery handsome boy!" Which is her standard dialog when talking to me.
Mizuki sitting next to her immediately goes. "His face... monkey!"
Izumi whirls on her, "NO! MECCHA IKEMEN!"
To which Mizuki replies, "MECHA SARU!!!"
In serious danger of a giggle fit, I move on to a table where 3 girls appear to be studying. I ask them if they need help, and the girls immediately converse and elects a leader by means of "You ask her, no you ask her." Said leader begins furiously writing down a phrase in English that while grammatically correct, seems a little odd. She asks me how to say it in Japanese. We work through it and eventually figure out a way to kinda say it. Then I ask why she wanted to know. Her answer was (and how did I not see this coming), "Akanishi Jin said."
I'm not here to teach Jingrish!
I'll miss my little 2.2 class, but it'll be much easier for me to keep my calm cool exterior with KAT-TUN lurking around every assignment.