4.03 The Economist

Feb 14, 2008 23:03



Sayid! Ben! WTF? Cute dogs in cages! More on that later.

On island:

That was a lovely opening scene with Sayid and Naomi. Are we supposed to know who R.C. is?

I guess no one from the Catch-22 camping party told Sayid or Jack about Naomi being sent to find Desmond. I know the group is not good with sharing but you would think that might have come up at some point.  Or did I miss something here?

Oh, Kate. I liked how you rubbed it into Jack about how it feels to be left behind. Then you had to ruin your coolness by asking permission to go with Sayid. Still, you looked very pretty in this episode.

I called the Hurley ruse for two reasons. If Hurley had really jumped ship, I think Claire and his new BFF Sawyer would have too and this trio would have been difficult to over power. Plus Locke is not that far gone to risk Hurley starving to death in a closet. That being said, I am shocked that Hurley agreed to this con. It was really hard to see Hurley and Sayid and Rousseau and Sayid at odds like that.

Sawyer doesn’t want to leave? Sawyer wants to play house? He's certainly taken to wearing his heart on his sleeve. Be still my heart. (lenina20, aboutbunnies, are you still alive after that scene? Did you see the previews?)

I was shocked to see Desmond get on that copter. I mean I have no doubt that he would grab that opportunity but for some reason I expected him to be thwarted. Of course this does not mean he'll get off. There's probably a reason he's travelling with his rifle. If a gun shows up in the first act...Was it just me or was he attempting to button up his shirt after he strapped himself in?

I know some people might feel Desmond's actions are corrupting what he had Charlie do but I am cutting him a lot of slack. He's been there three long years, of course his eyes are going to light up at the sight of the helicopter. And as for Claire and Aaron, given Charlie's message, I imagine Desmond wants to see for himself what the freighter people are all about before he would encourage her to go with them.

Did Dan and Frank look shifty when Desmond mentioned Widmore? Like maybe they are familiar with another Widmore who is less of a fan of Des.

You know nothing good could come of locking Ben and Sayid up together. Was Locke doing that intentionally, hoping Sayid would get info out of Ben?

Shockingly, the newbies continue to amuse and interest rather than irritate. I'm enjoying all their characters. There's something really gentle about Frank. I am also liking Mile's snarky straight forwardness, Dan losing himself in his experiment and plucky Charlotte being unphased by the island. Honey, I'm phased. I think you should be too.

Flash forward:

I felt I was in the middle of an Alan Furst novel. This was a stunning and chilling flash forward. My mouth was hanging open the whole time and not only because Naveen cleaned up so nicely.

Sayid the PGA assassin? German speaking Sayid! Tuxedo Sayid! Naked Sayid! I kept thinking how bachlava  and zelda_zee  would especially enjoy the scenery, if not the character development, in this episode.

Was it just me or did the German girl share a lot of features with Maggie Grace? I imagine that was intentional.

Once Sayid found the hidden room I assumed the Economist was Ben. Way to prove me wrong. Maybe it was Abbadon?

Gasp! No Sayid! You just fell for the oldest con. You're not as hardened as you think. I thought it was over for him right there.

Even when I heard Ben's voice at the end, I didn't believe it. I was like, maybe it's Jack. It has to be Jack, right? Right now, I can't even begin to imagine the circumstances that led to that partnership. I imagine it's something along the lines of the enemy of my enemy ideology or a reluctant alliance with mutual goals or Sayid is a double agent here. Whatever the case, my mind is blown.

Also, at first I thought Sayid was coming back from his spy mission and was picking up Vincent from the boarders.

lost episodes

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