Confirmed Dead

Feb 07, 2008 22:38

I almost forgot there was a new episode tonight. Really? I don't have to wait another 8 months? Here's hoping Eisner's announcement was not just management bullying and the writer's deal is close to being signed. After tonight's episode I feel more than ever we need as close to a full season of Lost as possible.

That was a lot to process. It didn’t hit the emotional notes that last week’s did but it certainly brought the plot. Although I’m generally against new regulars because they take time away from an already huge and beloved cast, I found all four freighter folk interesting, especially snarky, grandma cheating Miles.

I loved the shout out to taller Walt! You mean like a giant?

Has everyone forgotten the freighter’s original cover story? Shouldn’t someone (other than me) be asking where’s Desmond? And where was he? Hanging out with the Kwons? Getting drunk? Finishing digging the hole that Sayid started last season?

So was the 815 crash site a hoax or are there strange time shifting properties at play? It seems something was off about the pilot’s corpse suggesting a cover up but then again the presence of the physicist and magical desert polar bear might suggest a more sci-fi angle.

For once Hurley didn’t get all shifty and obvious when he lied. Ben looked positively spooked at the notion that another Lostie might be able to convene with Jacob.

Did Charlotte’s flashback remind anyone of the opening scenes to Close Encounters of the Third Kind?

Add helicopters to the list of things Sayid knows. He truly is the island’s Professor.

Who’s Ben’s man on the boat?  Some unknown Other? Michael? Could Kelvin have somehow been rescued by the Others and sent back to Dharma as a double agent? Please no spoilers, only speculation.

Oh, poor little Karl trying to stand up to Ben.

How many times can Ben talk himself out of being shot before it gets ridiculous? Though I did like Sawyer hesitating to shoot him in front of Alex. I guess Locke read about Sawyer’s parents in his file.

See Locke - Cooper did you a favour by conning you out of your kidney.

Okay. Can someone time shift me to next Thursday? Or Tunisia? I could use some sun.

lost episodes

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