I realize I've been relatively mute, considering that I decided to revive this thing, and then stopped feeding it. I've just been doing work, y'know...
Anyway, I now present to you some table-scraps from when I should've been working on CS homework:
"My personal view about time travel is that the period of time in question will continue to replay itself ad infinitum until either an equilibrium is reached where going back in time will cause the same events as to cause the time-travel, or it continues to fluctuate between two possibilities (where the time-travel prevented the time-travel from happening) where the two Universes are occurring at the same time, kinda like a subatomic particle."
This thought was caused by
this picture.
It's a complete fabrication of how I think the world should work if time-travel were possible. Doesn't mean it's any more likely to work that way.
It's also interesting to note that in the multiverse theory (which, as I understand it, states that any event with a nondeterministic outcome actually has both outcomes, and that splits the Universe into different parallel ones, one having each outcome. This happens constantly, considering how many random things happen each day), you never die. When you think about it, every opportunity you have of dying, there's some nonzero chance that you won't die. Therefore, another Universe is created where you stay alive, whereas you die in other possibilities. Which one of you is going to notice whether you're alive or dead? Well, the alive one, of course, because the others are dead, and not, according to current scientific knowledge, able to perceive in this world.
And there's your unsolicited scientific ramblings for the day.
P.S. Yeah, yeah, I know, sex and religion. They're coming, I promise...