(no subject)

Feb 21, 2004 18:06

is my name. I was born on September 29, 1988, so I am 30 years old at the moment (or at least I was the last time I edited this post).

is what I consider myself to be. Not in the sense that I am a Canadian from a French-speaking province (which I am, though) but in the sense that I have both French and Canadian nationalities. I was born in Toronto, Ontario, from a dad from France and a mom from Quebec. When I was nearly 11, I moved from Toronto to Montreal, and have always considered myself Canadian over Québécoise. In fact, I find it insulting to be called Québécoise. I do not like the mentality of this province at all. I adore Canada, it’s the best country in the world, and Montreal is pretty awesome too, but the province of Quebec kind of blows.

is something I do a lot. Constantly, really. I don’t have a preferred genre, I read pretty much everything, but you’ll often find me gravitating towards historical novels set in WWII. Or Stephen King; he is my favourite author and I have read everything he has published.

is also something I do. Mostly Harry Potter fanfiction, and mostly in French, although since I joined Hogwarts is Home, I’ve started scribbling in English a bit too. You can find everything I’ve written in French here (fanfic) or here (fiction), and random mixes of both French and English here and here.

Translator at a travel company
is what I am. Web translator, to be precise. Believe me, it’s less interesting than it sounds. Unless you think it sounds dull and repetitive, in which case you’ve got it right!

Social introvert
is something that defines me. I’m fine spending hours, days alone, but I need to see people sometimes. I dislike big gatherings full of noise and people I don’t know, but enjoy seeing a few friends. My idea of a perfect evening out is with a few friends playing board games, or watching movies on Netflix.

Spastic ataxia
is a neurological disease I have. Basically it means the signals from my brain to my muscles tend to get all tangled up, and my muscles are always way more tense than they should be. I walk with a walker, take muscle relaxers daily and get botox injectionns in my legs twice a year, but other than that I remain independant and as health as I can be.

Social media
is not something I am overly fond of. I have a Facebook account but purposefully stopped using it some time ago. I do have and use Messenger though, so if you want to add me on there let me know. Other places you can find me, other that LJ, are Twitter, Goodreads, Duolingo and Betaseries.

is what you are! Leave a comment if you’d be interested in friending me, I’m not picky!

ETA: I regularly go around my f-list and cull the people who haven't posted in a few months (without warning they were going on hiatus). If you're back on LJ and would like to be my friend once more, just leave me a note and I'll happily add you back :)

about me

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