Captain's Log Day 4

Jul 06, 2014 23:40

I owe the swear jar $2, my success for a few days made me cocky. ;P I'm going to need to start carrying cash. Wasn't as early to work as Thursday and Friday, but not technically late either so I'm calling that a win.

No walk today either, hard to think of something I can do to be active when I'm hurting so bad. There must be something..

Sorted the other bookshelf today. I have now found hair-ties, jewelry I had totally forgotten about, book half-read and other interesting miscellany. And I dusted, which I hate doing but the dust bunnies could have taken on some of the inhabitants of Jurassic Park. It kinda scares me that I was sleeping in the same room with them. o_O

Going with my sister tomorrow to try on my dress for her wedding. Hope everything turns out. Fingers crossed. :D

captains log

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