Captain's Log Day 3 or "dear sweet lord, why?!"

Jul 05, 2014 22:43

Good news and bad news, the good news is the ribs were a hit yesterday and I had fun with my bestie watching our shows and shooting off some fireworks once it got dark enough. More money, more pyrotechnics next year. ;) I got some more reading done today and haven't cussed at all.

The bad news is that's about all I can claim to have accomplished today. My cramps are so bad I spent most of my day off on the couch with my heating pad and a book. No exercise or sorting got done. :(

But the day is not over yet, I may still wrest a minor victory from the talons of Mother Nature, that vindictive cow! I can still get a bookcase sorted before bed and count another in the win column. I am resolved.

Hormones permitting, I will also get at least a half hour walk in after dinner tomorrow so as not to get too off track. Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth!

captains log

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