Gab and nonsense

Nov 05, 2011 22:11

Just a quick post on the run. Can't understand why I let this thing go for so long without posting.*facepalm*

Gearing up for a stress-free holiday season, or at least as much as I can. Gonna put a tv on layaway at Wal-Mart(so glad that feature is back for Christmas), mine is making a high-pitched squeal every once in a while.

Trying to save up for a trip to the UK. I'd love to stay for a couple of weeks, we'll have to see what I can manage. But the need for some dental work on old fillings and various other minor expenses keeps holding me back. My little savings account is simply not growing as fast as I'd like.*pouts*

Kinda disappointed in the new shows this fall season. So far the only one I'm really attached to is "Prime Suspect", I was excite about Grimm when in the very first episode they abandoned all realism by having one of the cops shoot a suspect in the back and not have any problems afterward. Jumped the shark a bit for me.LOL

Bought my costume for next year's Halloween, gonna be Amber from Sucker Punch.

Went to GrapeFest in Grapevine,TX and had lots of fun sampling wine and competing in the Grape-Stomp with my friend, Heather.

Finished my big crochet project after two long years. My brother and sister-in-law love their king size blanket. Especially after I got all the cat hair out of it. I am resolved not to take on another project of that size until I finish a few small ones. Like a couple of baby blankets for expectant friends.

Doing beta work for a very prolific writer of Inception fics. Sometimes it's all I can do to keep up with her, but we've already passed our 100 fic mark and she's not slwoing down. I love this fandom for all the possibilties.

Hope everyone of my f-list is well and happy. :D



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