Weekly Ramblings 7/10

Jul 10, 2009 23:59

Again with the procrastination thing.*le sigh*

So we ended up not doing anything cool or pyrotechnic for the fourth. I chilled with the family and threw some Brats on the grill and called it a night.

The next day I had yet another culinary delight planned for friends and roomies alike. The day was going great. It drizzled a bit but nothing serious, even for Texans.;)

Got things going for the dinner I had planned. Pork roast with mustard rub, twice baked potatoes, cole slaw, baked beans, deviled eggs, wine punch and a slew of cookies were on the menu. Had everything in hand when Bakeitha called to say her sister had gone into labor and she was driving to east Texas to attend his birth. Cool, strike the deviled eggs off the agenda since she was the chief reason they were being made.

Then I gave directions to Julia who was driving an hour to attend the dinner and was putting off homework to do so. Yay for map quest and GPS.LOL Sadly she was the only one who bothered to show. One other friend called to graciously inform me she was unable to come. Since I know how much she loves my cooking I know that burned her. And I thank her for calling me.

The rest of the tweakers just never showed up or answered their cell phones! Nothing went to waste as I had plenty of leftovers for lunch and the money I did not spend on frozen dinners for the week I worked I get to save for my trip to Ireland next week.

Work was fine. Being on vacay this month means I have to work extra hard to stay on track with my sales goals. They don't take my time off into account, so as a result I am really having to work my rear off. I was gonna save stress like that for when the gym opened in a few weeks.*eyeroll*

Bakeitha's nephew is a honey. Doesn't look like a lizard at all.LOL I mean lets be honest here, many newborns do not live up to the hype after x many hours of being squeezed out into the world like the last of the toothpaste three days before payday. Mom and baby are doing just fine and I expect to be looking at many more pictures and videos shown off by his adoring aunt.

On a less than happy note. Today maintenance came by to fix my kitchen sink. WTF, I thought they had done that last month but okie doke. It gets better. The specials screwed up and flooded my kitchen, dining room and half my living area with water because they jacked something up and couldn't turn it off. They spent 20 minutes vaccuuming it up and then came back with this loud monstrosity of a fan and informed me that it must run for 4 days to prevent mold and mildew.

The cats are horrified by it, refusing to venture near which is more than sad since that's the only place I have to place their litter box. We'll see what wins out in the end fear of my reaction to things being done outside the box, or the scary fan monster that shakes the floor and clearly wants to eat up little kittehs.

Still need to do a bit of laundry and pack for my trip. I leave Monday night and I can't wait.



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