Jun 28, 2009 22:13
Ok, so I'm not the most punctual person ever. Or perhaps procrastination is more my problem since I loathe being late for things?
Sadly I cannot use a sudden increase in new and fascinating things in my life as an excuse for my lack of follow through on that whole "weekly" business.LOL
The grill out went well, eventually. Everyone showed up who said they would. Sadly my apartment complex chose Father's Day to "fix" the AC system for all units and it was of course not back on by the time they said it would be. The temp was in the 90's so about 32 for my friends across the pond? Anyhoo, it was pretty toasty until the sun went down but luckily that's when most of my friends arrived.
My grill inexplicably chose not to catch until we doused it liberally(and I do stress that word) with lighter fluid, causing a very pretty fireball when the lit paper was tossed in from a cautious distance away. I waited a bit for the fumes to burn off and the food was a hit. We then watched some Firefly, drank some Sangria and the party broke up early enough for those that had to work the next day to show up as more than high functioning zombies. But only slightly, after all it was a party.
Later in the week we were informed that a friend of mine was made an assistant manager. Yay for Charles! He was also told he needed to distance himself from us lowly peons and was advised to forgo our midnight movie night to see the new Transformers flick. Which by the way was alright(too long at a gritty eyed 2 1/2 hours), the human element continues to pull the franchise down, and there were too many 'bots to do justice to.
But friendship prevailed and we went as a large group, consistently pestered about the seats being saved via text by the early birds. Freakin' over achivers needed to do a shot and unbunch their panties. I got there an hour and half before the previews showed and got to sit in the semi dark with a few ripe fans in the seats ahead of me. Makes me wish I was the kind of girly-girl who carried perfume with me so I could spritz the offending odor from the air.
My complex decided yet again to turn our AC off for hours on end the following day. I woke to a sweltering house and was unable to sleep in shamelessly as I had planned. Worse yet, there was also no water for some godforsaken reason. I took the cats to the park and enjoyed a sudden and counter forecast rain shower that was the temp of a tepid shower. The cats were less than pleased but you can't make everyone happy.
So by way of no books to read and no recent trips to the library I have persisted in reading the Stackhouse books. I have stumped my friend(who has yet to feel my wrath over being ditched on bolwing night) by correctly guessing the outcome to several plot "twists". Though I was less than impressed with one of the books heavily relying on an interlude only found in an anthology that left me wondering what the hell everyone was going on about for most of the book. This was at least a change from trudging along through it until the end of yet another book/impromptu romance with a Supe that cannot resist our simple(take that however you like) telepathic barmaid.
End of the week saw me doing a bit of beta work and today I attended a baby shower for a coworker who will be naming her little girl Lucy. Rather than give the predictable, though cute, gift of baby clothes I decided to gift the baby with one of my favorite stories. As further fun it played off her name and I hope her mom will read "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" to little Lucy while she gnaws on her stuffed beaver toy that squeaks. Little do the recipients know I was hard pressed to find such a toy until I happened by the pet aisle at the supermarket and struck gold.
Hey, this way I know it's safe for what babies do to beloved toys, which is chew on them! It makes a cute squeaky noise and is appropriate to the story which her name features prominently in. Other guests of the party kept needing the gift explained to them, which made me feel a bit awkward. Not a bunch of readers present I suppose. ;)
So that's it for my second ramble. Hope all my online peeps are doing well. Have a Happy Fourth to those who celebrate. I'm gonna try not to get arrested for lighting up too many fireworks. LOL
I guess if I don't come back in a few weeks you'll know I failed.