(no subject)

Jul 21, 2004 02:03

Sooooooo... I got my hair done today. FINALLY!!! Thank you Chris. It looks really good. I also got some purple shoes. Thank you Chris, again. Happy birthday to me! :) Today was one of the greatest days of my life. Not just cause Chris went on a shopping spree with me, but because we actually had fun with just the two of us. That hasn't happened in a long time. (Plus I got laid for the first time in a WHILE so that made it extra great). I get to go get my nails done tomorrow along with a pedicure. I will be so pretty. :) So, me and Michelle are going to do South Beach. Well, we are going to try anyway. We worked out at the Y tonight. I forgot how great you can fell after a vigorous workout. It was nice. I have come to the realization lately that niether me nor most of my friends are very health-wise, and it is time we do something about it before we wake up as thirty-year-old fat asses who wonder where their youth went. Call me crazy, but when four of us have gym memberships that we pay for and we are all broke, and we don't use these memberships, is that not the most rediculous thing you have ever heard? So time to drag our sorry asses in there. The flea problem has yet to subside. They are still everywhere!!!! Even after we bombed TWICE!!!! It is really bad. And FUCKING Ian let Kita outside and she is still sick. When cats know that they are dying they like to go off and hide somewhere and die by themselves. If I never see her again I am going to be heartbroken. I hate brothers sometimes. Teach me to lock my doors. Well, They are watching a movie downstairs and I wanna join, so bye!
P.S. Butterfly Effect is a good movie. Good job Michelle!
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