I don't know where they announced it, but apparently it's "Bring Your Japanese Exchange Student to Trader Joe's" Week...for the past few days I have seen quite a few families in the store who are accompanied by rather-obviously exchange student-types. The suburban mom will approach the demo table, take a salad, and hand it off to the student, saying "it's a SAL-AD. Do you eat SAL-AD at home?" God, it's annoying. I am glad that I've been working demo lately, and thus avoiding the busy-ness of the front and the registers. But it's pretty boring.
Last night after work we had a great time visiting the pirate bar with Jess & Tommy. I got a nice fruity drink and threw peanut shells on the floor. We had a lot of fun hanging out and we got home way too late, as usual.
I got some stuff to make cornbread and chili tomorrow for lunch. The idea is just so appealing to me as the weather has cooled down. And I really like the veggie chili with tofu from TJs. I wanted to make some today for the demo, but they plan out everything in advance and they don't really go for spontaneous ideas very much.
I've been knitting a lot lately, hoping to get together some things to sell this winter for a little bit of extra cash. Actually, I kind of want to attempt a sweater - I've been a bit intimidated to try it until now. And I still have a bunch of nice yarn thanks to
velvetdahlia. I think I'll dye some white yarn with kool-aid to make something fun.
Okay. I'm going to watch Julie play Tetris for a while before I go to sleep...