The last two weeks have been quite hectic and eventful and will probably continue to be just that.
I've had so much stuff on my mind that I forgot all about SGA Big Bang and missed prompts, pick-ups and everything else. I'm also way behind my TV show in the second week already. At least tonight is Glee night.
I'm warming myself up by watching
this vid.
Click to view
Also I had a wonderful Starbucks carrot cake and
elsmoka as company on monday and modern dance class on tuesday with
legoline. Modern Dance class, whilst hurting a lot because of my already bad muscle ache, was really exilirating. I always feel very alive after we dance the choreography and this one I love especially much.
This is the dance as done by professionals. Our choreography starts at minute 3:35.
I've lost my mobile phone on the train on monday and went to get a new one with
legoline before Modern Dance class. She was very patient with me and I now own
this phone, which takes really pretty pictures. My old phone turned up again, btw.
Showed my client
that layout alle done up with html and a really cool jQeury Javascript and he went through the roof. Really thrilled and all that. More soon. Also send good thoughts, please.