mapping the brain

Mar 30, 2009 06:26

Scientists Map the Brain, Gene by Gene

It is at times like these that I begin to appreciate facebook, twitter, or tumblr more. I am fascinated, but from lack of full understanding it's hard to rave or make lengthy introductions for it, and easy sharing of links would be awesome. I love my Google Reader but I'd feel odd emailing too many people like that. I'm a little over my mass-forwarding days. I suppose yes, Facebook has merits after all. I keep meaning to try but I've been too lazy so far.

I'm also kinda grateful for the fragments of bio I can still remember from my 2 years of biology classes in jc. It makes me feel that broad-based education still has a place, but grades get in the way so much. )=

[Edit] Oh yeah, the LJ bookmarklet. Paiseh, forgot x=

articles - science, articles, ramble

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