Feb 15, 2007 21:53
what a morning. i remembered why i hate driving today. i was just starting to become indifferent to it, even enjoying having my own mini symphony hall for an hour every morning and evening. even yesterday, zigzagging my way across the highway with four inches of unplowed snow wasn't so bad. i just chugged along 128 at 15mph and did my best to keep the skating to a minimum. this morning, i left the house for work at 7, and two hours later, i'm not halfway there. i have never seen traffic like this - i was reading a book while not driving, covering more pages than miles. but ok, traffic. i am perfectly fine with not moving on the highway. it's when you're going 55 and suddenly you're completely blind that things get fun. as soon as traffic picked up a little (exit 27 or so), my windshield gets spraypainted with saltwater and dirtslush. a truck goes by and finishes coloring in the picture, shades in all the white spots! all i need is a little sunlight to make it really shine - perfect! the patch of fuzzy silhouette that was the car in front of me is no longer to be seen, i try the windshield wipers, they smear the mess some more like a good butterknife, wiper fluid, not working. i'm still going at least 50, in some middle approximate lane, and start imagining to myself if i were a highway where i might decide to bend and where i might place my exits. eventually made it over to the right lane. still alive. opened all my windows and - sweet! it appears to be an exit. can't see or read the sign, am really hoping for 24 to waltham. nope, off by one - exit 25, and off i roll onto the pike, with more splush piling onto the windshield in the meantime. i get off the first pike exit - and i'm somewhere in natick, then wayland, then weston. pulled over in the first available something, wiped down my windshield with a tshirt, and it's still impossibly salt-encrusted. drove a little farther, and never have i been so overjoyed to see a mobil. by 11:30 i made it to work, and it took about half the day before i could walk a straight line. do most people get this kind of excitement every winter or is my car just not cut out for this?
it's ok snow, i forgive you, we're still friends. cars on the other hand - eww.
on a more camerasock note, always keep your camera in a sock. the older the sock, the better. this way, it is shielded from harm WHILE being very cleverly disguised as old socks. last weekend my handbag got stolen out of another bag somewhere between dorchester and south station, and a few days later was turned in with wallet emptied but all the importantly useless contents still present, and amazingly, camera still in its sock. i was going to be spending the night at a friend's, and happened to have another pair of clean socks packed in there as well. really, just fill your handbag with socks and you can't go wrong, pickpockets will just think you're insane. which you probably are.
i am so walking to work tomorrow.