The Game of Life

Nov 05, 2006 18:31

Title The Game of Life
Author: elleian
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: ‘Lottery’ for 12_fics
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Romance
Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated, everything is owned by JK Rowling, Warner Brothers, etc. I do not make any money from this and I have no intent to infringe anyone’s copyright.
Summary: Harry does not agree.

Harry does not always agree with Draco's outlook on life. This is not at all surprising; after all, Draco had been both thoroughly spoiled and force fed a variety of bigoted beliefs whilst Harry had been treated as a servant and taught as little as possible. What does surprise Harry, though, is Draco's reluctance to re-assess his opinions even when he knows that he is in the wrong.

"Life's just a game," Draco says, his expression indicating his lack of interest in the conversation. Harry thinks that he would probably rather be doing something with a bit more excitement - bending him over the back of the sofa, for instance - but he doesn't let it drop.

"You're wrong," he tells Draco. And he is, isn't he? If life's a game then there must be a set of instructions somewhere. Nobody ever bothered to explain the rules to Harry. He has a sneaking suspicion that he wouldn't play by them if he did have a manual, but that isn't the point.

"Harry," Draco pouts. "Come here for a minute."

Ah, he was right about the sofa, then. "No. This important to me."

Draco gives him one of those long suffering looks and sighs. Satisfied, Harry continues.

"Why do you think that life is a game?"

Sometimes Harry swears that Draco must practice his range of expressions in the mirror when Harry isn't there. It would explain why he takes so long, at any rate, and also why he manages to make Harry feel so ignorant with just a single glance.

"Life's a game," says Draco, "because the house always wins. No matter what you do, you will never come out on top."

Harry frowns. Why is Draco always such a pessimist? Then he remembers Draco's family and it is a moot point.

"No," Harry says. He has never believed in a higher being or destiny or fate. Not that he ever let Professor Trelawney know that, of course. He does like Draco's gambling analogy, though.

Draco is watching him as he thinks, face unreadable. He doesn't move as Harry tries to express his thoughts.

"Life isn't a game," he says slowly. When Draco arches an eyebrow, he qualifies, "It isn't because at the end of the day there aren't any winners. We live and when it finishes we die. What does anybody get out of that at the end of the day?" Harry shakes his head. "Life's a gamble. We take risks or we don't take risks and they only matter for days or months or years. Never forever."

When Harry looks up, Draco is moving towards the sofa. Once Draco has arranged himself, head in Harry's lap, Harry tries to pick up his train of thought.

"There's no house, right? It's like a lottery. Everybody can put in but not everyone gets something back out." He strokes his hand slowly through Draco's hair. "I think I must have got a winning combination somewhere along the line," he admits, looking down. Draco stares back at him.


"Love you," Harry hears Draco murmur later as they lie together, sated and tired.

"Love you, too."

Harry wasn't lying when he talked about winning. He must have been lucky to end up where he has, with who he is with. He also thinks that, just maybe, he might be able to get Draco to change his mind. How can he deny that Harry is wrong?

Comments, as usual, are always welcome!

fic: one shot, fic: 12_fics

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