(no subject)

May 09, 2008 23:00

Tomorrow, 5:00am to North Carolina.

I have six apartments to see in six hours. Can it be done? They say it can't. They are probably right but I am going to whip through NC faster than that twister last night.

I move in late June, which gives me just enough time to have an overblown decorating scheme. It will be so bizarre to actually have discretionary income. I think I will actually feel guilty about it. (Note-this may be a good time to help me alleviate this guilt by imposing on my humble but fantastically decorated sweet southern pad.)

Me, a junior executive? WTF? I am not selling out. I swear. I really do. But I am really looking forward to anguishing between a Blackberry and an iPhone. (Input on this subject welcome)

But it could be awesome. I see myself sitting on my "veranda" sipping sweet tea and texting really important stuff wearing my "Vote Obama" tee shirt (by this time Hillary will probably have bitten the dust. Sorry Hill, its all about the vision.)
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