Gorgemousness in Chathamland

May 05, 2008 23:34

New Jersey is BEAU-TI-FUL in the springtime. I know you don't believe me, but believe me, it is gorgeous. I don't think that I have ever seen so many flowering trees in my life, not even in Bloomington. The bees are abuzzing, the birds are asinging and the angry dude in the car behind you is telling you to go to hell. Hey, it may be beautiful, but it is still NJ, not the Garden of Eden.

I should take pictures but I probably won't. But the colors here are more vibrant than in the midwest. There are actually pink trees- like pepto pink. There are blazing yellow bushes and everywhere you turn petals fall from the trees above and get caught in your hair.

Best of all it doesn't get hot and humid as soon as it finishes snowing. Sorry Indiana, but I can see why it is so cheap to live there. I really hope North Carolina is something like this.
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