Claudio Bravo (Chile-Morocco)

Feb 02, 2007 02:20

Claudio Bravo (чилийский художник-реалист)
Chilean Contemporary Realist Painter, born in 1936

Claudio Bravo-Wiki

Автопортрет 1971

+12 с апдейтом


Luchadores -1985.Pastel
Doble Naturaleza Muerta 1995-Oleo

Bodegón con Alfombra Persa-1981. Pastel
Bodegón con Huevos de avestruz 1985 .Pastel

1936 Born in Valparaiso, Chile.
1945-54 Studied at a Jesuit School in Santiago, Chile.
Studied art in the studio of Miguel Venegas Cienfuentes in Santiago.
1954 First exhibition at "Salón 13" in Santiago.
1955 Lived in Santiago and Concepción, Chile.
Paints and also writes poetry. Dances professionally with the Compañia de Ballet de Chile.
Works for Teatro de Ensayo of the Universidad Católica de Chile.
1961 Leaves Chile for Europe. Establishes residence in Madrid.
1968 Spends six months working in the Philippines.
1972 Moves to Tangier
1972-2003 The artist lives and works in Chile and Tangier.


Commercial Art Gallery Guide

claudio bravo, art links, realism, pastel, contemporary

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