I get to go home for Thanksgiving, if only for about 16 hours. I still get dericious nomz and get to see my momma, so I am OK with this. Thursday night/Friday will be crazy. I work at GameStop 1:30 am til 11 am, then I'm at the bar from 2pm to 8 pm. I'm going to drink so many energy drinks until I am UNCOMFORTABLY ENERGETIC. But at least I will be making monies, finally. The store manager at GameStop likes my work ethic and said he's already talked to the District Manager about me, so hopefully that means PROMOTIONS in the near future.
Savannah hasn't been home since Saturday. I suspect she and Travis are hooking up. Last I know, she was at his place, and they've been talking and being cutesy together a lot lately, and they're both so sex-crazed, it'd be kind of stupid to think they weren't. He hasn't really been talking to me since Sav and Robby told him that I'm trying to sleep with some DJ in the scene, which I'm totally not, but I guess inviting someone over to play videogames and relax with a GROUP of people after attending his friend's funeral TOTALLY means I'm trying to get into his pants. Especially when he already has a girlfriend. Yup, I'm totally that kind of girl. I'm just done with it. Travis wants nothing to do with me unless there's a possibility of us sleeping together, and when I make it clear that's not what I want, he goes off to stick his thing elsewhere. I overheard the three of them one night talking all sorts of things about me in the living room of my apt when they thought I was asleep in my room. Travis and I rushed into our relationship way too quickly the first time and we both made a lot of screw-ups, more on my side of things because I was in such a terrible place when he and I met and I hadn't figured out how to stand on my own again. I wanted to take things slowly and try to do things right, but I guess if I'm not giving it up, I'm not worth it to him, so fuck it. I need to stop putting effort into things that clearly aren't worth it. He helped me out of one of my darkest places and I'll forever be thankful for that, but I'm not going to keep trying if sex is more important than me as a person, which he's made quite clear to me again and again.
Also, rent is due in a week and Sav's bill tab to me is up over $200 again. She's pretty much the reason why I had to get a second job, because she's too selfish and lazy to suck it up and get a shit job at McDonalds or something to pay her half of the bills. At least if I'm making enough money, I don't have to stress about things getting paid on time. I know she'll probably never pay me back, but at least I won't have to have a minor meltdown every time a bill is due, which in the grand scheme of things is way better for my health than being able to spend money on silly things. Who knows who she'll be borrowing rent money from this month. Probably Travis if they really are getting cuddly together.
The lease is up in March and then I am fucking done. I need to break away from these terrible people I've managed to get myself entwined with. The rush to move in with Savannah was to get away from the place I was living before because, at the time, anything seemed like an improvement. While I am overall happier here than I was in Greenbelt, I can't live with the stress Savannah causes me. This past year, I've been much more stable and able to make better judgments about everything, really. I've found a handful of really good people whose lives don't revolve around getting fucked up or fucking someone and I want my next move (or roommate if I can manage to stay in this apt) to be moving closer to those people and away from the selfish scene kids.
On a lighter note... Oshawott? You will forever be Wotter to me and I will never evolve you. <3