Jun 20, 2010 05:53

*SIGH* I installed Neverwinter Nights tonight, it made me cry.

and no, not because I was happy or nostalgic about the game, LOL. I started it SEVEN YEARS AGO though. But see, this is just a can of worms I hadn't opened yet, so, apparently, I'm still going to cry when ever I open a new one no matter how much time has passed, which, frankly I don't like. It wasn't a big thing though, rather intense but short lived and then the crying and the feelings were over and I started playing the game.

chose a new picture for Emyn this time though, haha. Things HAVE changed, even though so much has not.

oh Emyn. see, I have this weird need to play the game with a reconstruction of the character I started with, so, Emyn. A chaotic neutral rogue/ranger.

The NWN character was based off an actual DnD character, actually, and I MISS that character, and the end of that campaign. I think I may ask Matt what the hell was going to happen, not that he'll remember. Or tell me. Because we've never actually FINISHED a campaign, so I never know what the ends was. God, I wish I'd asked about that 2nd edition one, back when I could even remember who we played, cuz, I can't now...expect I played a PACIFIST, LOL. I was a gnome mage pacifist.

but the thing is, even if I finish the game this time...it won't get me anywhere. Picking up the pieces doesn't work.
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