Writer's Block: Sh*t Happens

Feb 12, 2012 00:59

I haven't a clue... and Ghod knows I could use one.

I suffer from chronic bouts of depression, and I've tried just about every form of "self-help" you can name -- psychotherapy, anti-depressants, meditation, aromatherapy, etc.  When the darkness engulfs my soul, it seems like *NOTHING* can improve my outlook/attitude until the damned thing runs its course.

At least I keep trying, and no longer wallow in my despair.  There was a time, not that long ago, when for all intents and purposes I "gave up".  While I never seriously considered suicide, I was definitely moving in that direction... because there just didn't seem to be a single reason for me to go on.  But I kept looking for reasons to keep living... and while I can't honestly say that any of the "answers" I've found have been particularly satisfying, the search itself kept me going.  Still does, when you get right down to it. 

writer's block

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