Apr 25, 2006 13:34
One of the most petty arguements I've run across so many times is the discussion of what makes a true fan versus a poser or someone who's just not willing to sacrifice themselves on the alter of their favorite musician or band. Give me a break, does it really matter? If what you are really in it for is the MUSIC, than it shouldn't matter when the person next to you first heard the song or about the band. It shouldn't bother you that to your left is a group that has gone to every concert on the tour while the person to your right landed the ticket because a friend backed out and they don't even really know the artist. Yeah, you might be a little jealous of the left group because you only scored one show, but it shouldn't run deeper than that.
I realise we can all be a little over protective of those that fall under our favorites list, but that doesn't mean we jump down the throat of anyone who has a different opinion about them. They are entitled to that opinion. You're not going to persuade them one way or the other by your measly words. Why not let the music speak for itself because if it can't stand up against the downward opinion of one person, then it might not be standing much longer anyways.