Classified research

Nov 21, 2017 21:11


Что Вы думаете по поводу этой статьи? и про засекреченные военные эксперименты?

I mean classified research funded by DOD, DARPA, DIA, NSA, NASA, US Army, Navy and others?
I don’t know about all of them, but DARPA, DOD and Navy do fund research.

Кaк там с unethical research?

«Outlaw nonconsensual human experiments now»
by Cheryl Welsh
16 JUNE 2009

Here is link to Clinton’s memorandum:
“Strengthened Protections for Human Subjects of Classified Research”

Some links in the article no longer working.
I think recommendations can be found here, if you are interested:

About author: Welsh graduated from Lincoln Law School of Sacramento in 2007. She is founder and director of organization focused on preventing nonconsensual testing of new weapons that target the mind and nervous system.

unethical human experimentation, ml

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