About suspected nowadays non-consensual human experimentation.

Nov 21, 2017 19:12

Here is a post where we discussed a bit non-consensual human experimentation in comments in January

We started conversation in one of your posts and then continued here:

Here is a comment:

“In late 2010 medical historian Susan Reverby discovered documentation, indicating that part of Tuskegee Syphilis Study where conducted in Guatemala for several years, because they needed to do something that USA law won't allow, but possible to do in Guatemala, and Dr Cutler, I think, had connection in Guatemala as well.

In early 2011 President Obama ordered Bioethics commission to investigate how clinical trails conducted nowadays and if abuses possible. So commission held several meetings on Human Subject Protection in Clinical trails.

I want to bring to your attention some parts of first two meetings on that topic - public comment session on March 1, 2011 in Washington DC of meeting four, and public comment session on May 18, 2011 of meeting five in New York”

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Добавлю, что meeting was open to the public, и на этот митинг пришли люди, которые называют себя “targeted individuals” и которые подозревают, что над ним проводят эксперимент с использованием “remote technologies” and they talked to commission about what happening to them during public comments sessions.

На первом митинге выступили около 20 человек. На втором слова попросили 300 человек, а выступили опять около 20 человек.
Большинство выступивших are Targeted Individuals, то есть немного меньше чем 40. Когда митинг был в Нью Йорке, в мае 2011 года, заявки на вступление подали 300 человек! Уверена, что большинство из них Targeted Individuals. Неужели все они crazy people, или всё-таки нет дыма без огня?

There are transcripts and webcasts available on their site. Each session about 50 minuets long on webcast.

Here are links:

Meeting 4, Session 10. Public Comment
Date March 1, 2011
Location: Washington, D.C.

General link to meeting four:

Meeting 5, Session 6. Public Comment
Date May 18, 2011
Location: New York, N.Y.

General link to meeting five:

All materials they have on human subject protection:
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Там выступало много людей. Я скопирую транскрипт выступления Вашего коллеги, врача-анестезиолога из Техаса. He says that his fiancé became a victim of such program, and he himself too. He wrote several books on the subject, and also gave numerous interviews and shot videos and have movie in the project.

My name is Dr. John Hall. I am a medical doctor from Texas. As I understand the memorandum from the President, it is for you to determine if current legislation is adequate in protecting individuals and if there is any ongoing experimentation.

In reviewing the Common Rule, it is very obvious that there is a lot of loop holes to informed consent. All of the horrific experiments you have mentioned, Willowbrook, MKULTRA, radiation experiments, mostly were done without informed consent. They were funded by the DoD and intelligence agencies where I am not even so sure you would know if there is an IRB, much less if an IRB is looking at informed consent.

As a physician, relative to some of what you are hearing today, in the community we are seeing an alarming rate of complaints of use of electromagnetic weapons. Microwave auditory effects, silent sound spectrum, EEG cloning, which has taken the lab out of the laboratory and into the home. Most of these from the research that we have reviewed can be done remotely. It seems to be more weapons research than medical research.

I personally corresponded with upwards of 1500 victims all complaining of identical complaints from every state in the nation of being exposed to electromagnetic radiation, non-ionizing radiation for the use of cognitive control or behavior control.

I submitted a paper to you and there is another paper submitted to each member from another physician in Kansas City alluding to the same thing.”

Большинство выступивших перед комиссией Targeted Individuals получили письмо от Комиссии, сообщающее, что Комиссия не будет расследовать их claims.

Вот текст письма

loopholes to informed consent, i couldn't make this stuff up if i tried, bioethics commission 2011, bioethics, my life truly is stranger than fiction, ethics, unethical human experimentation, tin foil hat, ml

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