...School School School...

Sep 07, 2005 17:37

So yeah! School started...kinda good...kinda bad

First Day:

1st hour: Choral-

We went over the STUPID hand book! It took for-ev-er! That's alright though...me, Linds, Em, and Mer talked the whole hour...it was great! lol

2nd Hour: German-

So I knew no one in that class. Except for one person whom I HATE with a passion so I was very quiet...can you believe that?!?! lol yeah but that was pretty boring. But the teacher was pretty cool.

3rd hour: Geometry-

So got in...sat by someone I kinda know...Laura. But then Jayball walked in...that was pretty sweet. He's a cool kid. And then one of my best friends in the whole world Kyle walked in, I was so excited!!!

4th hour: 20th American history-

Yay...I was really looking forward to this class. I have it with Justin and Lindsey which is sweet! Omg so the teacher is SUPER excited about everything and Justin's very...not lol and the looks on his face when she gets SUPER excited about a cerial name is priceless. Omg it's sooooo funny.

5th hour: American lit and comp.-

So that class is pretty fun! I have it with Sean and Megan and Sarah and Ashley and Cody...so it's fun. And my teacher rocks. He's really funny. But yeah that went kinda slow and boring.


lol that was so fun. Our old table was like compleatly full so me kels and Kaylin decided to move over to a diffrent table well...table of choice...Justin's friends. Omg fun. lol they like make fun of Kelsey the whole entire time because she's so funny. I talk alot and they don't talk at all...sept Beckafer!!

6th hour:

Oh my wowness. This was...wow. I walked up and remembered that a diffrent Lindsey was in this class...a Lindsey I don't really get along with...and guess who pulled the number 17 for the seating chart when I had 18...hmm Lindsey. So I thought the drama began. BUT it really didn't...we actually got along. We have Yonkadonk at our table too. That's alot of fun...omg even though I really did go through hard times with Lindsey, I'm a person to forgive...so I'm giving it another chance. Not to be friends, but to be someone I can laugh and have fun with and see in one class and just not be at eachother's throuts.

After school-

So came home...figured out that we're test driving my car then we did. I started to like it even more. So we looked around for some other choices...didn't find anything, and then they told me I can get it!!!YAY!!



pretty boring...we actually sang for once though. Got our seating arangement...don't sit by any of the people I really wanted to...so that kinda sucks. Found out that ensomble tryouts are mondayso scared!


Yay!!! Josh is in that class with me:) yay! He is one of my brother's best friend's brother!! So I finally know someone...He got his schedual switched so now he's in it with me


BORING! Wrote a not to Kels in that class lol. But we worked on homework and got our seating chart...moved me away from Kyle and Jayball That STINKS


FUN class. Justin's faces still hillarious. Me distracting him and him not being able to ignore it. Oh great. So fun.

lit & comp-

Justin walked me to class and he walked in and my teacher was like...that your boyfriend and I was like yeah...he's like I got him in one of my classes and I'm like I know...and then later he was talkin about something and he asked me if Justin has ever given me flowers and I said yes and he's like what color and I was like Red and he's like do you know what that means? yes...love. Ever sent you yellow flowers? no? do you know what yellow flowers mean...no....friendship...BUT HE'S SENT ME PINK ONES! well that means friendship too...ever sent you black ones? no, know what black ones mean...hate...death...yep. Oh okay. descussion over weird.


sat with Kels, Kaylin, Kladdman, Tom, Beckifer, and Jayball.


me and Lindsey talked more...Biology is no longer biology...it's sexology lol don't ask.

After school-

Sat around with my bus buddies for an hour waiting for my bus to get there...pretty sweet. Walked home with 5 flippin books! Got home...did a TON of homework and then watched the real world and that 70's show that I taped...and now, I'm sitting here at my computer typing this. Later I'm goin to singing lessons and then picking up my truck But I gotta get goin. I gotta clean up my homework stuff before my mom gets home!



<3 I love you so much Justin
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