Monday TV

Dec 04, 2007 10:46

Random Monday TV thoughts about Chuck and Heroes


I'm glad that they've had Chuck and Sarah work out some of their issues and they can just be friends for a while... a few episodes at least. They're sweet together and clearly I want them to be together together but there's lots of room to play it out for a while more yet. I can wait :)

Anna and Morgan amuse me again as a couple. I didn't like her whole "that was a test" drama last week but they were sweet and fun this week.

The rest of the BuyMore employees amuse me greatly. Jeff with his eggnogg was great and Lester with his very crooked game of dreidl was fantastic :) Full points all around. This is a great ensemble cast.

Casey never fails to be amusing. He loves his car... a lot... in a possibly NC17 way. So amusing. Also amusing was his shirt saying "if guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns" Very Jayne and very Casey and while I personally am not a "right to bare arms = I must buy a gun" type of person at all I do appreciate that sentiment.

Oh and there's no way Casey can kill Chuck... even though Chuck sort of blew up his car :( Still he's comprimised with the Intersect as well. Not in a HoYay way but you can tell he's sort of warmed up to Chuck and thinks he's an alright guy. That should make the rest of the season, when we get it, interesting though :)


Well I sort of thought Nicky was going to be the one to die. It was set up last week... but on the other hand I'm not sure that she'll stay dead. On the one hand her being dead leaves Micah as an orphan and that's always as traditional hero story architype. But since we don't see that she for sure is dead who knows what will happen. I won't count her out.

Now poor Nathan Petrelli! Seriously can the poor boy get any more mangled? No fair shooting him!

I wish Claire had gotten to show what she could do but I'm glad she didn't get shot... although that wouldn't have been really that effective of a way to get rid of her... it would have prooved her point. Perhaps that's part of the reason her dad told her not to reveal her power.

Once again Elle was not horrific. I think that KBell really isn't trying again in this role and so I sort of roll my eyes because I think the spoiled princess type isn't a stretch for her acting wise but her brattyness works for the character and so I'm amused still. I like how the character is being set up. I think she'll end up being a hero almost without meaning to... she is stuck with the wanting to defy her father and also so desperately wanting to win his approval and that will play out really well. I think that even if she goes over to the good side for a while it will by no means be permanent, she's not one to be trusted really. That's fun in a tv character.

Sylar getting his power back is also fun. I'm interested to see what they do with him in book 3. I'm guessing he'll still be doing the evil sucking of powers thing BUT that this time he'll have to have more of a strategy to get away with it.

Oh and most awesome of all, Sylar shooting Maya... not awesome was her still being saved by Claire's blood. Boo urns. Just get rid of her like they got rid of her brother. Boring!

A very nice way to wrap up book 2 though. I'm hooked :)

chuck, heroes, television

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