I just hate to do housework. And other domestic type things. I've also been clawing my way out of depression for the past month which makes me impatient to get back to "normal". Or what I imagine my normal should be. Don't think I've ever achieved it for more that a few hours at a time. Hm...yeah.
The point of this post is to set up a system where I give myself some kind of goal with regard to things that should be done so that I appear like I have a life in the three-dimensional world and the new place doesn't fall into ruin. I'm making a list (I know, so original) of things to be done during the week, and hopefully I won't still have them all to do on Sunday--like I did this week--so I can go out and play occasionally. I'll post on Sunday so that I have some witnesses to keep me honest. This week's list is stuff I had to get done today (strikeout = done dided):
File tax return
Answer email (this one has reached the point of embarrassment)
Hang pictures
Wash sheets
Clean bedroom window frames (black mould tends to live there)
Clean bathroom
Clean kitchen so that it doesn't become (more of) a health hazard
Wash entryway and kitchen floor
Polish shoes
Not too bad, only four to move onto next week's list. We'll see how this goes.