a review of the year

Aug 13, 2012 07:50

In the past year a few things have happened.
Both of my parents retired.
My brother moved away (a far distance for visiting) and started a new job in a psych ward.
I met my brother's fiancee's family for the first time, and then the next time I saw them was at the wedding. I acquired a sister-in-law and a whole other family!

Five good friends all had babies in one year, and all but one with difficult complications and one with a twin who didn't make it.
I was helping a friend repair something and a bungee cord flew up and cut her head open near the eye, major blood loss, and we called an ambulance and then I ended up driving her to urgent care to get stitches.
I fainted in the library and no idea why.
My student/friend started having seizures every few days where she would lose awareness, talk during them, and would ask someone to call 911 and forget totally where she was and wouldn't remember them afterward, and there was (and still is) no way I could figure out how to help her get the money to be examined or treated for them.
I had numbness in one side of my face among other tingling and symptoms that stopped me from sleeping. Had CT scan of head, showed no abnormal results, back to work after two weeks. Learned I could have travelled to Hungary, had a CT scan, and come back, and all of that would have been cheaper than getting it done in the US.
I had a friend ask for a ride to Canada to ER with a temperature of 103 because the cost of medical care in this country makes it unattainable for many.
I had someone call and tell me they were going to self-harm, so I had to pull out my suicide prevention materials (I keep them in my violin case at all times).

Every member of my immediate family had a very serious near-death experience except me.
Mom had a pulmonary embolism and they caught it just in time, my brother had a sudden peculiar health condition that risked his life and had emergency surgery, and Dad had a severe car accident where he was pulled from a burning vehicle, airlifted, and ended up in trauma critical care and acute care for over a month (results of which are still not fully known).

One of my grandmas had a heart attack and went through surgery and rehab. The other grandma died of Azheimer's.
My great-aunt passed away, and I was there with her in the days before and at the moment she died.
A person very very close to me (but not me) had to quit a type of chemo that stopped working, started another one but that one caused a life-threatening condition, so it's down to one possible type left. This one has to work.

I quit my job, except I'm keeping part of it. I'm spending a lot more time doing things for my three parents for now, especially when Dad gets home from the hospital, but I'm looking for some kind of change in my life. Change? I want more? Hard to believe, but yes. I have determined I will take a non-musical turn next in my life activities. Something not related to music at all, if possible. But I'll keep my lovely students for as long as I can.

And something else interesting happened. I'll elaborate when I have a better understanding of this thing.
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