I'm so tired of being bored. It's summer! I'm suppose to be out at the lake or on vacation somewhere. But where am I? At home, with absolutely nothing to do. Most of my friends are either on vacation or hanging out with the "cool" people. Basically they don't have time for an un-cool person like me. Well, except Megan! Haha, if our facebook chats get any longer we could have a novel out by Christmas. Hmm, let's see. It shall be called "Facebook Ramblings: The Lives of Two Bored Teenagers." It'll be a hit. Let's see....what else can I talk about? Oh! I know! I'll talk about how bored I am...oh wait. I alread talked about that.
I've watched all of Cheeks' videos at least ten times since I discovered them. That takes up at least thirty minutes of my time on the days I decide to watch one or more of them. Um, I check out the Adam Lambert stuff, like and a couple of AL LJ communities. That usually keeps me entertained until I run out of things to read/discover. I listed to my iTunes while doing this 'cause listening to music never gets old. Until I want to play the Sims 3. That game, along with Adam Lambert and Kris Allen and Cheeks, has taken over my life this summer.
You'd think that being a recently-graduated high school student, that I'd be out and about having fun. NOPE. It sucks. It really, really, really, really, sucks.