I found a Harry Potter and a Jane Austen 30 Day meme. I know what I'll be doing when this is over!
In other news, I finished the damn essay (synthesis of Northanger Abbey, The Monk, and The Others -- yes, I chose that particular combination) thanks in large degree to
hl for rewatching The Others with me, prodding me with sprints, and generally being awesome. Also finished Ch 9 of Revenge and I'm 400 words into 10, which will hopefully bring Luke and Leia to the same planet for once. Telepathy just isn't the same! I think I actually have some hope of getting this in on time. Hey, even First Impressions was a day late.
hl and I are going to watch Avatar: the Last Airbender at some point, because she hasn't seen it and I'm always up for rewatching and it will be amazing. I just rewatched The Southern Air Temple today and ;_; but wow, gorgeous. And Jason Isaac's voice will do just fine until we get Mark Hamill's. (QOM!Luke's students make a concerted enough to never anger him, ever, just so he won't use THE VOICE on them. The voice that sounds just like Fire Lord Ozai. The Organa twins are quite well-behaved around him, too. Lyra, on the other hand, doesn't much care. Probably because she sounds just like Azula. :P)
Asexuality meme
Day 19: What do relationships mean to you?
What kind of question is this? They mean . . . emotional ties between people, often with a certain degree of affinity (but not always), complex dynamics (but not always), and shared history (but not always!). I guess a certain degree of reciprocity is implied. The intimacy of the relationships, and value accorded to them in society, varies from person to person and culture to culture (and era to era!).
Fanfic meme
Day 19: When you have bunnies, do you sit down and start writing right away, or do you write down the idea for further use?
For a long time, I'd write down any plotbunny that occurred to me. My
AO3 list is ... evidence. These days, I'm more likely to jot down a few lines and file it away in one of my
Lists of Stories I'm Not Writing But Would Really Like To. The au_bigbangs have been good for my willpower. In that respect. :P