Outlining "Lucy" (1) + tab meme

Mar 13, 2011 22:36

My brain can be a strange place.

I've started to outline The Adventures of Lucy Skywalker. At first, it was kind of hilariously involved, since I was apparently trying to avoid making any decisions at all, and the whole thing kept spinning in this feedback loop with different ways that I interpret canon. Not only do I think that different, mutually exclusive interpretations can all be valid, I often hold them myself!

Okay, not with Austen or Tolkien, generally. But crappier more casual creators, definitely. Thus, this is what my outline for girl!Luke originally looked like (seriously, I haven't changed it; it came out of my brain exactly like this):

-- Anakin’s children are twin sisters, rather than a twin brother and sister.

(1) Luke was chosen to be hidden away and trained because he was the boy, but of course Lucy wouldn’t receive any gender preference. Therefore:

(i) As Anakin’s daughters, Lucy and Leia are coequal: they’re sent to Tatooine as a matched set.
(ii) Yoda and Obi-Wan still decide to separate the twins, but without gender preference have no reason to restrict the training to one of them. Lucy goes to Tatooine and Leia, à la Luke’s original twin sister, is sent to the opposite end of the galaxy and trained at the same time as Lucy (if not earlier, thanks to Owen’s resistance).
(iii) Yoda and Obi-Wan still decide to separate the twins, hiding one in safe obscurity on Tatooine and adopting the other out, in plain sight. The placements are arbitrary: it’s just pure coincidence that Lucy’s chosen to be the Skywalker twin -- essentially Anakin’s heir -- and Leia is sidelined on Alderaan.

(2) Luke was chosen to be hidden away and trained because the Force is simply stronger with him (word of Lucas is that he inherited Anakin’s original maxed-out Force-potential, but we never hear that Leia did). Obi-Wan and Yoda sensed it or took a blood sample or something and gender doesn’t enter into it. Therefore:

(i) Lucy is likewise more powerful than Leia, and is set apart, raised in seclusion as Anakin Skywalker’s daughter, trained as a Jedi etc etc for that reason.

(3) A bit from column A, a bit from column B: Luke ostensibly got the preference because he was more powerful, but it was definitely influenced by the fact that he was the boy.

(i) 1i-iii and/or 2i
(ii) Leia is trained as a backup to Lucy (combine this with any of the above!)

... yeah. So I whined at
hl for a bit, and she gently observed that at this rate, I would never finish the outline, let alone start the story. (Or finish it.) Once I explained that, really, I wanted it to start at pretty much the same place that SW itself does, she helped me hammer out the backstory. So! I have a new outline.

(1) births/separation (maybe?)

(2) robots! introduce her/tension with O? much more unequivocal refusal (maybe the academy doesn’t even accept women--> Biggs [segue into secret plan to join Alliance?]), marriage, greater affinity with B (maybe) -- more rebellious, more compliant? both? part tomboy and part Incorruptible Pure Pureness? restless, ambitious, petulant, obstinate, quick-tempered, fierce, impulsive; compassionate, gentle, dutiful, eager to please, idealistic, dreamy, innocent, likes fun shiny 'frippery' (remember L's outfit at the award ceremony? Leia's was pretty fancy, too; L&L probably think their mother's gowns were the BEST THING EVER); intelligent, sensible, resourceful, humble, mature; naive, clueless, boastful, oblivious.

Might be challenging.

(3) message -- less attraction more psychic something something blah; i.e., still drawn, but less likely to frame it as attraction. Still hits the heroic impulses. (More or less heroic? Less because wouldn't be socialized for it as strongly, more because of even more active suppression, or the same because they obviously were doing all the suppression they possibly could and it made no difference whatsoever, or the first two balance out.)

Still goes off in the morning. (Have her own speeder? Assume L bought it himself and repaired it -- it'd be a bigger deal w/ Lucy probably, but the sheer usefulness of her mechanical skills/talent might provide some leeway in these kinds of things. Perhaps B campaigned for her.)

(4) Obi-Wan; how would he be different -- more protective? Everybody probably would be, from O&B all the way up to V. Less determined to recruit her? Or grimly determined because she's THE ONLY HOPE (except Le who apparently doesn't exist!), but less enthusiastic? Pronouns? He's very male privilege-y so it would matter. Less holding up A as idol, maybe? More distant, awkward, courtly? Something!

(5) reaction to O&B's death -- more grief-stricken? guilty? probably not. OW's reaction -- less apprehensive or more? maybe less optimistic.  Not sure that's possible.

(6) would he even take her in to the bar? might be able to hide her kind of, but if her walk didn't give her away her voice would (Luke's is high-pitched even as a man). He can't leave her to get captured either. Are there any females there at all? The fuss might be more dangerous. (Does he provide a subterfuge? Ha, running gag -- if he considers the potential squick, she suggests being his granddaughter, he winces and goes for niece.) If L's not there, OW probably just says he needs passage for himself and a woman. Thus, H is expecting someone older (and taller) -- in fact, since L looks significantly younger than she even is (script says so!), he's probably even more skeeved. old man travelling with a young girl, insisting on secrecy? squiiiiiiiiiiiick. (Just a kid!)

L of course is offended. How vain is she? How self-conscious? He hesitates, maybe shouts at OW, but hears the stormtroopers and ushers them up anyway. (-->earlier: THINK LOUDLY)

Then he and Ch talk about the horrifying implications, they need the money but he is supposed to be Jerk With A Heart of Gold, not just an amoral Jerkass, so he might dig his heels in. And Ch is a sweetheart. Provisionally, they decide to insist on lodging L with Ch and OW with H. L and OW don't get it until H starts interrogating OW, OW doesn't know whether it's more appalling or lolarious, protests, H is cynical and sarcastically says that of course she must be his granddaughter, what was he thinking, OW is kind of offended on top of that and either insists she's his niece, or admits to the truth. LOL CERTAIN POINT OF VIEW -- father was his best friend/student/surrogate (foster!) brother. <-- It would come out via Lucy's total inability to lie.

(7) student --> training


The rope-swinging -- Lucy is smaller than Luke, so would she carry Leia?  Not that much smaller though, he's tiny.  IDK, the Force did it.  Leia --> I've been in an Imperial holding cell for three weeks. I'm not heavy.

Han would totally flirt with Lucy and she's totally crushing on him and he knows it.  And probably thinks it's funny.  Okay, and kind of cute, just 'cause she's so very Moe.  After the first battle in which she turns out to be not posturing and actually totally hardcore as well as totally girly, he's... something.  Triangle is Han/Lucy, Han/Leia, subtext!Lucy/Leia.


Meme, gacked from
tree :

I'm going to list, and tell you briefly about, ALL THE TABS I HAVE OPEN at this moment in time, without editing

tree's dw, because I remembered there'd been a meme I wanted to do that sounded cool.  (It's this one.)

(2) TV Tropes: Unstoppable Rage - sometimes, you push the hero too far.  And then you get annihilated.  (Relevant exhibits:  Anakin and Luke Skywalker. They're like mass annihilation just waiting to happen.)

(3) TV Tropes: Star Wars: Character Sheet - some of these are kind of hilarious, though I kindly won't link them all:  Luke gets Bishonen (yessss), Adorkable (so very much), and Kung Fu Jesus (...), Yoda gets Badass Grandpa with the note proof of the above, there is, Padmé gets YMMV Fantastic Racism re: the hey, everyone gets angry sometimes, Vader gets Fountain of Memes (AHAHA SO TRUE), Genius Lightning Bruiser, Handicapped Badass, Implacable Man, Noble Demon (apparently he's popular with the troops, presumably for the same reason that ANH ends with him alive and Tarkin dead) and in a single line, Heroic Sacrifice/Redemption Equals Death/Heel Face Turn/Papa Wolf. Palpatine gets Electric Torture with the note He loves him some Force-lightning!  No shit.

(4) TV Tropes: Estrogen Brigade Bait: Film.  Pretty much the entire male cast of Star Trek, quoth TV Tropes. SW isn't on there somehow, despite managing to combine young!Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Billy Dee Williams, Liam Neeson, Hayden Christensen, Ewan MacGregor and Samuel L. Jackson into one film series. IDEK.

(5) TV Tropes: Base Breaker. The character around whom divided fanbases revolve.  So Snape, basically.

(6) TV Tropes: Bishonen. A male character who's incredibly pretty.

(7) TV Tropes: Dying As Yourself.  A character is Not Himself for most of the story, suffers the inevitable fatal injury, and is able to regain his/her identity right before dying.  Depressing AND uplifting.

(8) TV Tropes: Badass Decay.  A genuine Badass ceases to be one.  :(

(9) TV Tropes: Fantastic Racism.  Racism towards made-up races (I mean, more made-up than usual), in an obvious analogue to RL.  I just wrote an entire research proposal about this...

(10) Blackboard. ... on which I got ninety-five percent!  Go me!

(11) TV Tropes: Unlimited Wardrobe. Character has a different outfit each time he or she appears.  Page quote?  Carrie Fisher on Padmé Amidala OMG ENDLESS SQUEE

(12) TV Tropes: Virtual Paper Doll.  I have lost hours to these. Ooh, I haven't made one for Lucy yet!  Or Arissa!

(13) TV Tropes: Space Jews.  Can't say it better than they do: The perpetuation in fiction of racial stereotypes IN SPACE! The Space Jew is an alien, monster, or other nonhuman creature that embodies the worst aspects of a real-world racial stereotype, whether Jewish, black, Asian, white or whatever. Page illustration is of Watto, though really any number of them might have done just as well.

(14) TV Tropes: Lightning Bruiser.  Somebody who's fast AND strong AND tough.  Not naming any names here...

(15) TV Tropes: Noble Demon. A villain (designated or otherwise) with a fairly well-developed heroic side. So, Crowley.

(16) TV Tropes: Obviously Evil.  I don't know, what could it be?  Also, it might have my favourite page image ever.  SKELLLLLLLLETOR!  (Come on, I can't be the only one who grew up on He-Man and She-Ra? ... Can I?  If so, that's just depressing, because She-Ra was my idol and BY THE HONOUR OF GREYSKULL AND A;KAD;KJDA;KJDA;KJF)

(17) TV Tropes: Series Mascot. Something is so synonymous with a franchise universe that it's always used to advertise identify it. Like *cough* ... Wolverine.

(18) TV Tropes: Tragic Villain. To quote from the quote: A character who, although acting for primarily "evil" or selfish goals, is either not in full control of their actions or emotions and the reader or viewer can sympathize for due to them not being evil by choice; but rather by them being a victim of circumstance. These villains can face a crisis of conscience in which they submit to doing evil. These villains often have confused morals believing that they are doing moral when in fact they are doing evil. Doesn't sound familiar at all! (Though their actual reference is ... annoying, at best. Because apparently he wasn't tragic AT ALL when he was just "it is too late for me, son" and "I must obey my master.")

(19) TV Tropes: Evil Chancellor.  A chancellor who is evil.  Ooh, this one sounds just like that one guy.  Um, what's his name?  Oh yeah, Jafar.

(20) TV Tropes: Generic Cuteness.  Everybody looks kind of attractive. For some inexplicable reason, Elizabeth Bennet is listed.  Under literature.  Because Darcy finds her attractive, eventually.

(21) TV Tropes: The Woobie. The character you want to cuddle because they suffer so adorably.  Oh Lord, WALL-E.  I cried during that movie, for reals.  Also, SW has its own subpage.  Oh, SW.  <3

(22) female characters meme, from
hooked_on_heroines.  I'm going to start this on Tuesday, for my birthday.  I deserve a kickass meme for my 25th!

(23) gen, femslash, slash, het and asexual relationships on
asexual_fandom .  I really want someone to mention romantic friendship. Also, aromantics, represent!

(24) that article on aces in college on the fuckyeahaces tumblog.  GRAAAAAAR.

(25) apparently aces can't be queer, yet again. Willy Wonka says LOL

(26) Practising Liars, Ch 29.  Harry/Draco Severitus with quasi-superpowered!Harry and ... weird Snape. Weirder Lily.  Look, I don't know.

(27) The X Factor. Somebody rec'd my post! Between this and
sciatrix's rec, I think I know why I got so much more traffic with that post.

(28) Clonetroopers at Cracked.  I seriously want to write that Luke + 501st post-ROTJ crackfic. Hm, maybe I'll add it into the Revengeverse.

(29) 5 Scientific Reasons the Dark Side Will Always Win at Cracked. My favourite line: A sad stormtrooper is an attentive, more convincing and more thoughtful stormtrooper.

(30) Googledocs: Lucy Skywalker - Prologue.  Finished!

(31) Googledocs: Genderswap - Chapter 1 (shared by
hl).  It's going to be totally awesome, you all.  And you won't see it for like six months while I am creator/editor/consultant.  :P

(32) Googledocs: Hogwarts (for the lulz!).  Yes, I have a doc just for allocating characters to Hogwarts houses.  Based on their stated criteria, not who they turn out in canon.  Among many many many others, Galadriel is a Slytherin, Vader is a Gryffindor, Collins is a Hufflepuff, and Eustace is a Ravenclaw.

To sum up, my brain:  3/32 dreamwidth stuff, 1/32 homework, 1/8 asexy stuff, 1/16 Cracked, 1/32 reading fanfic, 1/32 writing fanfic, 1/32 editing fanfic, 1/32 sorting characters into an irrelevant system from another universe for the lulz, and 19/32 TV Tropes.

character: obi-wan kenobi, character: chewbacca, fandom: fandom, character: han solo, character: leia organa, character: luke skywalker, fandom: star wars, fanverse: lucy skywalker

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