fun cool things

Mar 12, 2011 00:22

Between family tragedy, a shoddy English essay that cited many sources but never got around to what I actually meant to say, no progress on uploading my bookmarks to delicious, and a Spanish final consisting almost entirely of the subjunctive, today has not been a good day.  So, here are things I've found, which are cool.

Warning: no TV Tropes (well, links at any rate), maybe a teensy bit picspammy, religion (mine, and complaining about it), lots of CAPSLOCKS and italics

(1) I am not the only person in the fandom known universe who has genderswapped Obi-Wan! But this is better than mine, because my two female Obi-Wans -- Obiwa from Once Upon A Time and Obi-Wan from Five Reveals (#3) -- are (1) largely peripheral to their stories, which (2) don't follow the effect of genderswapping Obi-Wan in particular, since they're universe-wide genderswaps.  This (kickass) person is basically doing the same thing for Obi-Wan that I'm trying to do for Luke in The Adventures of Lucy Skywalker - changing one person's sex and gender identity, from birth, and following the ripples caused by that change.

I particularly like that she's not trying to railroad the plot, but taking into accounts things like Anakin's intense, confiding relationships with women. His hero-worship of girl!Obi-Wan is about the most adorable thing ever.  (Okay, Obi-Wan's crush on MACE WINDU may take first place.  But still.)

Oh yeah, the link:!au


(2) I am also not the only feminist quasi-Mormon in the entire world!  Discussion of priesthood, why motherhood is in NO WAY an equivalent, how the fact that women will always answer to male authorities is not cool and being told "it isn't about gender, it's about priesthood," doesn't mitigate this AT ALL, the silencing of worship of the mother-goddess who everybody knows about but nobody must talk about, because, see, she's so pure and must be protected from defilement by the world NO THIS DOESN'T REMIND ME OF ANYTHING (and certainly not Angel in the House on a literally cosmic scale) and obviously, politics and mainstreaming with conservative Christianity have nothing whatsoever to do with it, and generally there's everything that's had me going FLAMES ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE and hiding as pianist for the children's choir, where the lessons are more along the lines of "be nice to your little sister" than "our women are so liberated, we influence the world through our CHILDREN," only putting my flail into articulate words.  Also, less fragments and run-on sentences.

Yes, I am the worst Mormon ever. Or maybe I've just been in the worst congregations ever.  All ten of them.  But it turns out I'm also like the Doctor: NOT ALONE.

Also:  Lorian = <3 <3 <3 <3

Also:  poem on why proselytizing is problematic, from a missionary, with a side of why veneration of Mary is very compelling for some of us.

(3) I don't generally go for RPF, which kind of squicks me out.  (My mother keeps buying me these fictional biographies of Queen Elizabeth I and other cool people.  DO NOT WANT.)  However, Charlotte Brontë/Jane Austen time-travelling femmeslash?  Yes please.

(4) From the same (OBVIOUSLY WONDERFUL) person, genderswap P&P!  Genderswap P&P that isn't mine.

(5) Beauty and the Beast fic!  This may be my favourite one after "Beauty" (yes, I like it better than Rose Daughter) --

This may be my favourite Beast ever.  Also, I thought he was going to turn out like Merlin and living life backwards, but it's mostly just mixed-up.  Also, I love that we never see him.

Random note:  I'd love to see quasi-subversive fic of the Disney version that pulls a What The Hell, Hero on the enchantress for punishing an entire household of innocent people because an eleven-year-old boy was snotty to her.  I mean, transforming a little boy is bad enough, but his servants?  I know other people have pointed this out, but I'd really like to see it in fic.  (And maybe, "wait, where were your parents?" If it's not a principality, they must be still around, somewhere, making them REALLY HORRIBLE PEOPLE. Maybe they're like the fairy-tale version of jet-setters and were all "hey, we left him with the servants" and maybe someone could politely mention HEY HE INSULTED A FAIRY ENCHANTRESS AND GOT TURNED INTO A BEAST FOR TEN YEARS, ALSO YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW NOW AND SHE'S CHANGING THE FURNITURE, YOU MIGHT CARE ABOUT THAT)

(6) I already madly fangirled lotesseflower  for writing my only OT3 that somehow nobody else seems to share even though it has the most obvious subtext ever and provides for just about every kink you can possibly think of (twin threesome? check. bromance-laden slash? check. slap slap kiss het? check. puppy piling? check. all of them the Most Important People to all the other ones? check. forbidden love? check. romance across massive social boundaries? check. incest? check. Harrison Ford? check. h/c? check and canon! - if Luke Skywalker's epic Woobieness wasn't designed to bring out the h/c crowd, I wouldn't believe it, and Han and Leia get more than their share too).  Then I found that she makes the most perfect OT icons with random yet appropriate quotes from ... everything (*see above*), and Narnia and Elnora Comstock (no, really) and other things.

Then, to make matters EVEN BETTER, she provided this happy-making picspam:

(Dude, is that black-and-white Bespin one not the most epic SW still ever?)

(7) SW fanart picspam!

I found no less than two dark!Leia pics of awesome:

L is for Leia: by motetus

young(er) Han, Leia and Luke:

Star Wars kids by alicia_chan (deviantart)

(I kind of love how they don't look particularly like the characters, besides colouring, but have AMAZINGLY PERFECT expressions for them nonetheless.  Especially baby Han. Just ... look at him. Leia is my favourite, though.)

Also, before I got hooked on Lucy Skywalker, I'd played around with the idea of (1) Luke and Leia both getting sent to Tatooine (which would have both been awesome and somewhat more practical than dropping one of them in plain sight with no possibility of training, for apparently no reason) and (2) baby Luke getting adopted by the Organas and baby Leia being raised as Leia Skywalker.  I even talked to hlbr  about the latter, and we might have plotted it out a bit.  Anyway!  I didn't have time for it, and there'd be too much crossover with the Lucyfic anyway, and then I found actual fic of it and awesome fanart:

Prince and Farmgirl: by aimo (deviantart)

(Okay, I don't see why farmgirl!Leia would have the buns.  Whatever, she looks kickass.  So does Space Prince!Luke.)

The fic:

ANH Luke and Leia: by valval (deviantart)

I love their faces.  :D

And for the lulz:

Evil vs Innocence: by Annie Msson
I don't know whether the stuffed Yoda is more adorable or creepy.

Everybody who's spent any time at this journal knows that I hate (1) the prequels and (2) the Luke-and-Leia twin twist like burning.  But this (found via selonbrody , who sadly didn't know the source) filled my heretical soul with the PURE LOVE OF LUCAS.

Redeemed/unfallen!Anakin, baby Luke and Leia, Anakin-Luke bonding, not-forbidden-from-motherhood!Padmé, R2-D2 and massive amounts of pretty: it's like all my favourite things in one picture, and making my most hated things wonderful too.  <3

Illustration of (the utterly gorgeous) Princess Leia's theme, one of my favourite SW songs ever JOHN WILLIAMS WHY SO AMAZING:

Princess Leia's Theme: by alicia_chan (deviantart)

Yes, Leia remembering Alderaan.  ENDLESS SADFACE.  So, to make up for it:

Princess Leia: by Kutty_Sark

Leia frolicking with an Ewok.  Also, gorgeous princess hair and the gorgeous princess dress that the Ewoks miraculously had stored away.  In her size.  They probably ate the other princess.

My favourite characters doing what they do best, besides Force-choking, endless suffering, and being awesome:

Star Wars Continuity: by xanykaos (deviantart)

pairing: han/leia/luke, character: padmé amidala, character: obi-wan kenobi, fandom: austen, character: anakin skywalker, character: han solo, character: leia organa, character: luke skywalker, genre: recs, picspam, religion, fandom: star wars, fandom: fairy tales, genre: genderswap

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