This is me...

Apr 19, 2010 20:29

... banging my head against walls.

I have a teenage son who won't take no for an answer and then seems surprised when I loose my temper after he's asked the same question 20 or 30 times.

There's a big inspection at work on Wed and the district manager came down on the store manager who came down on the assistant managers, who are going nuts on the department managers.  How many times can a person be told to do conflicting things before they get start to loose their brain?

I don't even want to mention the SCA.  I'm beginning to think I will go nuts if I don't just walk away.  I tried, I really did, but no matter what I do I piss people off.  I just don't feel like being diplomatic or sugar coating stuff any more.  Lady Nicky resigned for that reason and I think she has a point.

Ok that's the bitchy now the positive...

Fools Feast was small but great and reminded us all of what events should be like... lots of fun.  Making people actually suck up, bow,  talk forsoothly and not talk about mundanities (or face execution) really added to the whole evening.  We had singing, jig dancing and role playing. I completely harassed Lord Edward who I deemed a foreigner (he did speak french) and it must have worked because he had a good time and even entered the competition to be the next Fool... though Lord Hugh got that honour.

We also decided on a couple more games to add to the list for Ravens War.  "Avoid the Drunken Lout" has a poor server trying to get a tray (one hand only) past a row of drunken louts to collect a bowl of buns then safely make it back without dropping them.  This is easier said then done and at one point Nicky was rolling on the ground laughing her head off while I tried to make it past Roberto and Edward who I must admit make great louts.  Other games we want to try at the war are "Wounded Soldier" and "Escape the Flood"

So I've decided that I really like being both silly and imperious and that as long as other people are willing to accept the rules of the game, you can actually force people to enjoy themselves dammit :)

On the home front, I'm finding cleaning up my yard to be one of the few things I do these days that seems constructive.  Two trips to the dump and about two or three to go before I've removed all the clutter from my yard.  I do believe I have conquered my hording issues because I have become ruthless about what I heave out.  It is difficult to throw certain things out, but then I picture how I want my back yard to look with the garden and the patio and out it goes.

Ok... I actually do feel better now and may survive the evening without attempting to kill my 16 year old.
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