Title: Brotherly Advice Fandom: Marvel, Defenders, (X-Men) Characters: Bobby Drake/Iceman, Warren Worthington III/Angel Summary: Warren prods Bobby into a change of heart.
So I'm watching X-Men: Evolution (season 3 episode 9) "Under Lock and Key", and there's a little bitty scene when Gambit is breaking in to Warren's mansion in the middle of the night when we see a shot of Warren's bedroom
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Title: Nothing Owing Timing: San Fran-ish, but ignoring whatever's happening in the books. Summary: Bobby looks after a sick friend, with a little help. Author's note: Never has this icon been more appropriate. This is payback for the random Bobby-whumping I did in Not Coming For The Kill, but is unrelated to that story/AU.
Title: Not Coming for the Kill Characters: primarily Angel and Iceman, others Warning: This one hurts. Not set in continuity -- I guess I just needed to write someone hurting at the time.
Title: Feather Comforter 'verse: House of M (Marvel canon AU) Characters: Sabretooth, the Angel, the Iceman Author's notes: Non-slash snuggling -- it's good for what ails ya!