Fratboy, Twisty G and Fitzy are all snot factories. I'm popping Cold FX and begging the Universe for a miracle. I still haven't had any testicles in my mouth but I'm starting to sound like I do. Fight that Cold FX.
I went to my first Pilates class today. Yeah. So when the entire class including the instructor can't hold position any longer because they're laughing so hard at your pitiful attempts and alarming sound effects that's NOT good right? Tomorrow is the Cardio Challenge class and Monday is yoga and it's a damned good thing I have zero pride or shame or else I might slink back into the pool where I belong.
You know, with the 70 year olds that also handed me my ass?
I should probably be worried about how little I have done for Christmas. Erm, no lights, no cards, no tree, no stockings, way too many more presents to buy, none of them wrapped, nothing to wrap them with. Ewww.
Worst thing is I don't really want anything for Christmas this year except maybe a face shot and some balls in my mouth. And really, I need to wait for Christmas for that? So, like, I'm all grateful and shit that I have everything I need, blah blah blah. I'm just sayin'. The season is lacking a bit of excitement. And Senior Snot Factory upstairs has been way too busy with cop schooling and whatnot to read eljay so he doesn't even know how bitter my face is getting about it's inability to take a load.
Right. Right. I have no real problems.
Real Genius, on the other hand?...
Your move, Panique!