Bachelorette Party

Aug 08, 2005 11:29

So. Friday. Cyn kidnaps me to 50_ft_queenie's place, who had kindly offered to host the beginning of the end. Ha. Gorgeous new house btw...and a frighteningly yummy array of snack and Sangria. That, plus the the endless supply of jello shots could not possibly lead to anything good...

Cyn, bless her cotton socks phoned every stripper resource known to man to try to find me a Vanilla Ice lookalike stripper who'd dangle his bits for me to Ice, Ice Baby. Astonishingly enough there wasn't a single one anywhere in our fine city. Ha. She did, however find a midget stripper and knowing my mad love for midget pr0n promptly tried to book him. Clearly the Universe knew better because he wasn't available.

So. For. The. Best.

It's a little frightening actually to think what me, 100 jello shots and a nekkid midget could have resulted in.

Anyhoo...getting the evening off to a fine start with a glass of sangria in one hand and a jello shot in the other:

Note the look of PHEAR when the first La Senza bag came out:

With damned good reason as it turns out:

The only non-thong of the lot, which is naturally what I ended up wearing. This becomes a significant part of the freakshow that is my life later on:

We stumble on our way to the next stop....


Cyn, the little instigator, started things off by wearing a thong on her head:

Soon, all the cool kids were doing it:

Naturally Cyn's boobs had to make an appearance:

And then I decided I had to show off my new underoos:

To the MC. To the bar. To traffic driving by everytime we went out for a smoke.

Oh. Dear.

Cyn and I murdered, and I do mean MURDERED Islands In the Stream:

Like A Friggin' Virgin:

Girls Just Want To Have Fun:

Cyn making a valiant attempt to stave off the inevitable:

Woman down!! We have a woman down!!

For when pictures are simply not enough, there's always video. Mwah ha ha:
How Did You Know I Lost My Lube??

Why Elixxir Doesn't Wear Thongs

The First of Many Times Someone's Skirt Comes Up

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?

HUGE thanks to everyone who came out and assaulted me with thongs. Ha. Also to 50_ft_queenie for hosting the shindig and providing all the treats. To ambrozia for the awesome spinach dip. To shillolo for the sushi!! To emulsional for the incriminating pix and video. To everyone who threw caution to the wind and got their asses up there to sing and dance. To divine for seeing The Drunks home safely. And of course my Bitch Cyn, for organizing this whole event so that I could have the bachelorette I missed out on last year. You. All. RAWK.

I feel like I'm forgetting to thank someone for something so bear with me it that's the case. I'm still recovering from the hangover. Heh.

Pix of the ceremony to come whenever I can muster up the motivation.

major events, video, bitchez, pictures

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