(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 17:00

Alright, so this not having your period for over a year thing is cool. Except, of course, when it comes back.

Last month I was a homicidal maniac for a good week.

This month it's worse. Bag of angst does not even begin to describe me. My back is killing me. My clutziness is at such an all time high I've got second degree burns up and down my right side from an exceptionally stupid kitchen fiasco last night. But far, far worse than the weeping and the pain are the dreams.

Last night my dream started with a pair of slim fit black pants on an exceptionally fine ass. As my mind's eye wandered up it took in the 6 pack with the tribal tattoo that disappeared beneath the waistline of said pants. The lean but muscley chest and arms, with the nipple ring and sleeve tats on both arms. The strong jaw, full mouth, and crazy sexy black shaggy hair falling into his eyes. He caught me checking him out and smiled and said...

"Hi mom."






I need to go wash my brain now.


motherhood, goofy

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