I like to ride my mot...bicycle, I like to ride my bike!

Jun 12, 2008 21:25

So last night I did something new, instead of riding my motorcycle to the glass studio (the usual) for the class I took, I rode my bicycle instead. It's far enough away that it's a workout for me (at least for now), but close enough I can manage (even my out-of-shape self) to still guarantee I'll get there and back alright.

Last night it was overcast when the class was out (9:10pm or so) so that it was a bit too dark to ride comfortably outside. (Note to self, get/hook up lights on the bike.) So I got a ride back home with the wonderful person who runs the studio in his pickup truck.

Tonight though it was nice and beautiful out, so inigo42 "convinced" me to go to the glass studio and ride my bike there. On the way there I got detoured by the train, which made the ride there a lot more hilly and a bit longer than it normally would. I still got a good 1-1.25 hour of studio time in though, which was enough to cut strips and make 4 little sun-catcher thingys. I left about 10 till 9pm, and had plenty of light still to ride home. The last hill before I got home was a pain, my legs/knees were trying to start turning into rubber, but I made it and it went well.

Hopefully I'll keep being able to do this during the summer, use the studio as the "carrot", so to speak, for me to ride my bike. I have a tendency to feel the same way about this as I do with my motorcycle - I go out riding to go somewhere, not just to ride. Granted, the trip is quite fun, but I'm not usually one to just go out to go out and ride about.

Maybe if I keep this up during the summer I'll get into better shape than I am now. :) One can hope. For now at least, I'm not riding to work unless I add in a MAX trip or something similar.

glass, life, bicycle

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