Title: Royal Conversation [1/?]
bathshuaFandom: The Dark Knight (aka Nolanverse)
Rating: R (only for language)
Genre: General and AU, given the revelation of Batman’s identity
Pairing/Characters: The Joker, Bruce Wayne
Warnings: Language
Word Count: 2,079
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me. Sure as hell wish they did, though.
Notes: I just wanted an excuse to use a quote I posted for the
Six-Word Drabble Meme, which is awesome. And also, to prove to myself again that I can occasionally NOT write pr0n. It can be done. Also, I may or may not continue this. If enough people like it, I may. We shall see!
Summary: What do I think would happen if the Joker eventually discovered Batman’s identity? Probably not what many people would expect me to think.
So much for the vision...)