Just in case some random anonymous person stops by my journal. Don't want them to make the mistake of thinking I'm talking about real people. It's happened.
Now, without further disclaimers. I just watched the third disc of Veronica Mars.
So Logan is being a jackass. Again. And I think, what a jackass.
And then Duncan finally points out that Logan is being a jackass.
So then I think" 'Aw, it's like they're breaking up or something.'
And then Logan says: 'What, are we breaking up now?'
The show is reading my mind!
He does get all the best lines, doesn't he? 'Annoy, tiny blonde one! Annoy like the wind!'
Although Enola Deb Mac got a few good ones: 'I don't think it's an exaggeration to say we would rule the entire known universe.'
Dude. Logan. 'You say another word to her and I will kill you.' For a guy who lets his father whip him with a belt, that took guts. I was right before, wasn't I? There's all kinds of things going on with him. He's got such an innocent face. Casting him as Transparent Jerkface #1 would've been a waste.
Lamb reading off the fake-ID money: 'Veronica Mars is - smarter. Than me.' Haha. It was nice to see Michael Muhney so much. The last few episodes I watched, he hadn't really been around. He's great. I shall catch up - eventually - and I shall join
rack_of_lamb and keep up with
And oh noes! Mrs. Ecchols! Jumped! Off a bridge! Poor Logan.
Aaaargh and I don't have the next disc yet or I'd be watching the next episode right now. Okay. The show has officially hooked me.
Silly rent-by-mail. I'm going to have to upgrade to more than one DVD at a time. I see it now. That's how they get you.
I really ought to be asleep. I need to wake up and do laundry before we head up to the city to see the BSG boys, and I think I'll probably be out late what with Casey's party and all.
Oh! Did I mention I signed up for this consumer testing and they called me in for today and I got paid $25 to rate some vanilla ice creams? That's right. I got paid to eat ice cream.
Even the losers get lucky sometimes.
Speaking of losers, I hate pretty much everybody in this town and I want to get out. Every face I see when I'm out walking. They're all like caricatures. Every checker in the grocery store is an idiot. Every bitch has a cell phone to scream at. People almost bike into me on the sidewalk, then give me dirty looks. For walking. On the sidewalk. That's what the bike lane is for. The El Camino block between Redwood and Oak seems to have stationed a rotating shift of leering sex-offenders. I saw a hobo coming out of the bushes in the cemetery, by the way. Holding toilet paper. There was toilet paper all over the ground. In the historical cemetery. And I can't even begin to explain the kids on the computers at the public library.
Has Redwood City always been a depository for the pathetic, toothless, creepy dregs of society, or did I just fail to notice as a child? I know they're everywhere, I know it's not just here, but honestly, it's like here, that's all there is. It feels like Wheelsy out there. It's like goddamned Night Of The Living Dead. It smells. It's dirty. There's nowhere good to go. It's lost its soul. Nobody has any respect or decency. I particularly loathe my next-door and upstairs neighbors and their music (and their morbid obesity or penchant for anvils, I can't decide what else to blame for the incessant thumping noises) and I never even see their faces. I know that I don't like their faces, though. On principle.
Okay. I don't know where that came from. Now I really am going to sleep.
PS: Don't let the loathing fool you. I'm actually in a fine mood.