Everyone's posting actual updates it seems, and I've been slack. Well, no more:
Today is Thursday. I'm not at work because my job has ... shifted. I'll be back to work full time in July, but at the moment I'm kind of in limbo. I'm working for a few hours tonight at a school fair in Brantford running a Dry Ice Station which means I will be late for, or possibly entirely miss tonight's Bryniau meeting.
Monday & Tuesday I attended a workshop on Autism that my work had signed me up before The Change - I wasn't doing anything else and saw no reason not to go. Monday was an introduction to Austism Spectrum Disorders and strategies for social integration. Tuesday focused on dealing with challenging behaviours. It was interesting.
Yesterday saw me getting the oil changed in
theagentx's car -- and back at the shop two hours later because all the oil had leaked out already! The mechanic had apparently sliced the seal on the oil plug without noticing and when the engine heated up from driving, the slit became a hole. So, what should have taken an hour in the morning, ended up taking most of the day.
So, now I'm off to do laundry. Yeah, I know. It's not Monday (but then, I'm not Mennonite). Last weekend
theagentx and I went to Pikeman's for the first time and when
fineum heard about my plight, she convinced me to go to Lilies with her. After clearing my schedule with
daisymercury, I'm now good to go. We leave Saturday (this is a camping event north of Kansas City for the non-Scadians who might be reading this).
That's what going on in my world. (That and some cat-related issues that I not going into, and the fact that I terribly miss my American family. My sister sent me pictures from my neice's third birthday a couple days ago. I wish they didn't live so far away.)